Articles Comments Reads Score Date Action
Apartment Complex 3 1818 0 2008-11-14
Master Lease 0 1650 0 2008-11-12
Need Help Structuring A Deal In CA 14 2146 0 2008-11-30
Expenses Ratio? (Multi-Family Analysis) 3 1738 0 2008-11-25
Getting Started In Commercial 12 2820 0 2008-11-20
Help On A Deal 1 1711 0 2008-11-11
Starting A Private (or Public) REIT 7 3192 0 2008-11-05
New To Self-Storage Financing 8 2715 0 2008-11-13
Want To Sell My Intersest In A Commercial Building 5 2375 0 2008-11-19
Dry Cleaner As A Tentant 5 2272 0 2008-11-04
Passing Of A Friend 3 1489 0 2008-11-13
SS After Auction? 5 1447 0 2008-11-21
Desperately Seeking Investor For Upcoming Foreclosure 4 1450 0 2008-11-06
Is There Any Way To Circumvent Simultaneous Closings With An Option Contract? 13 1303 0 2008-11-03
Texas Property Code 5.016 Questions 0 2450 0 2008-11-29
Owner Wants To Sell House 3 1453 0 2008-11-08
Property Question 2 1729 0 2008-11-02
Negative Cash Flow Multifamily 5 2026 0 2008-11-27
4 Buildings On One Parcel- Financing Must Be Tough 5 1831 0 2008-11-13
Countrywide And Investment Properties 7 2071 0 2008-11-16
Tenant Wants Pets 4 1735 0 2008-11-14
Rental Comps 6 1670 0 2008-11-14
Anybody Has Rental Property In NY? 7 1701 0 2008-11-14
Engine In Yard 5 876 0 2008-11-06
Paying Damages During A Current Lease 3 817 0 2008-11-04
? Looking For A HUD-1 Spreadsheet In Excel ... 10 2700 0 2008-11-02
I Am So Tired Of Being Turned Down By Banks! 2 2090 0 2008-11-16
Question 6 1793 0 2008-11-12
Potential Deal Right In Front Of Me 6 1698 0 2008-11-15
$10 Considerations (Earnest Monies) 21 3823 0 2008-11-03
Citimortgage 10 1617 0 2008-11-25
Political Question About Foreclosures 2 1028 0 2008-11-15
Does Foreclosing Affect Other Owned Properties? 4 1316 0 2008-11-06
Guru 1 1088 0 2008-11-05
Texas Tax Deed Information. 1 1484 0 2008-11-24
LA County Tax Sale 0 1213 0 2008-11-24
CA Tax Deed Vacant Lot 6 1710 0 2008-11-16
Foreclosure On Tax Certificates 3 1323 0 2008-11-14
Mortgage Company Refusing To Accept Payments 2 1416 0 2008-11-23
Llc Initial Contribution 9 1365 0 2008-11-18
What Is The $7500 Tax Deduction? 2 1311 0 2008-11-10
Open Up A Business Acct For LLC 1 825 0 2008-11-06
If You Don’t Invest In Your Education, Then Don’t Expect Success 0 2309 0 2008-11-25
Mortgage Industry Shake Up is Good News for Borrowers 0 1850 0 2008-11-25
The Crucial Tests All Investors Must Pass 2 4158 0 2008-11-17
7 Steps to $7K In 7 Days 0 2802 0 2008-11-17
Nine Traits You Need For Success 0 2425 0 2008-11-10
Winterize those Properties 0 3382 0 2008-11-10
What to Do When You Lose a Deal 2 5767 0 2008-11-03
Buy No Money Down 0 2531 0 2008-11-03

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