Tenant Income Requirement

d_random profile photo

How do you go about qualifying a tenant that makes most of their money with tips? What do you ask for to validate that income?


  • d_random23rd June, 2008

    How many months bank statements should I require?[ Edited by d_random on Date 06/23/2008 ]

  • finniganps23rd June, 2008

    I typically ask for three months statements. Are they well qualified in all other areas (past landlords, credit, not too much debt, etc.).

  • d_random23rd June, 2008

    Thanks Finn!
    I dunno yet, they have not turned in their application.

  • d_random24th June, 2008

    Thanks for the feedback Finn & David. As it turned out she did not have a long enough rental history (5 months) so I turned her down based on that instead of trying to piece together the income situation.

  • d_random24th June, 2008

    Here is one place I found:

  • JamesStreet24th June, 2008

    The funding is a good question. Would have to start small and work up. Ads can help with cost. The credit issue is a good one but each state has very specific laws about credit reporting and collection. Some good some bad.

    Also the judgement works but you first have to get them to court and again it is different for each state. Here is the socialist republic of Minnesota if they skip you are out of luck getting them servered and they get to scam another landlord.

    Can I as a landlord get in trouble for reporting that the tenant will pay on time but will hassle you about little things like light bulbs or slow drains. I check with the last 3 landlords but some are very worried to say anything.


  • finniganps1st June, 2008

    Try rent controlled San Francisco...You have to pay tenants moving costs. A friend had to pay their tenants $5k to move as required when he moved in and moved them out.

  • joel2nd June, 2008

    They tried passing a "business tax" on landlords and Landlords from local club went to the City Council meeting.

    Just by showing up in numbers, we were able to stop the tax from being approved.

  • d_random4th June, 2008

    I remember getting that business tax letter in the mail, not a happy day. But the Greensboro Landlords came to the rescue!

    On 2008-06-02 10:39, joel wrote:
    They tried passing a "business tax" on landlords and Landlords from local club went to the City Council meeting.

    Just by showing up in numbers, we were able to stop the tax from being approved.

  • haynesm8th June, 2008

    In response to your red tag nuisance problems.

    I don’t think of myself as a radical, but guess the city where I live (really a hamlet, about 400 people) must think I am. Like you, all I want is to be treated fair, give me the same considerations as the rest of the people and for the city to FOLLOW the ordinances, and to make policies that we can read and understand so we can do as we are supposed to do.

    I get these nasty grams from the city, not may, but more than one is enough. I have this pontoon boat in my back yard. I am putting a new deck on it, at my leisure of course. It doesn’t take up much room as the yard is about two acres. Love mowing. So I haven’t put a license on it yet for the year. State is OK with that as it is being worked on. Building inspector gives me a nasty gram and says I’m going to court and pay a fine if I don’t do whatever. So why doesn’t he give a nasty gram to the Mayor who has a derelict vehicle in his yard without any license since 2003, a camper without a license since 1999, a pool without a fence or locked gate. A guy down the road had a pontoon that hasn’t been license since 2001. I could go on and on. By the way, the mayor isn’t the only city gov person not in compliance with our ordinances.
    I have now found a lawyer who I think will work with me on some of these issues. Hate going that route but if we don’t stand up and fight for our rights then we surely deserve what we get.
    Just found out yesterday that a guy down the street had an old vehicle in his drive that they made him get rid of, move, put into a building, whatever. Not sure what he did with it. Funny thing is that the vehicle had historic plates, insurance, and was legally sanctioned to operate on the highways of this state. Building inspector said he didn’t care, it did NOT have a current license and therefore it couldn’t be in the drive. I made mention that he should take the building inspector to task on the issue - his response to me was that he didn’t want to cause trouble.
    What’s that they said about the Nazi during WW2? They came and took my neighbor to the left of me, he asks for help, but I didn’t say anything because it wasn’t me. They then came and took the neighbor to the right of me, he ask for help, but I didn’t say anything because it wasn’t me. They then came for me. I wanted to ask for help but there wasn’t anyone to ask.
    I guess we all need a place to vent sometimes.

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