Someone Logged In With My Name And Info! Someone Please Help Me.

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Hi, everyone. Please don't leave...this is long, but I really need help.

I've been trying to get rid of my mobile home, and have contacted a lot of people, but haven't found help. I did an AOL search and noticed in the results that it said LoriInWa and had a description of my situation!!! So here I am, and wondered who that was that signed in under my name. Maybe it was a realtor speaking on my behalf, or something.

With all that said, I'd like to share my problem. We are paying $463.00 a month on a 1982 Kaufmann Bainbridge mobile home, and we live in a park. We moved in in 2000. The space rent is $435.00, and steadily climbing every year.

We owe about $986.00 in back and current property taxes. For some nutty reason, I thought this was to be rolled into our mortgage. I thought that's why we had no bill for the taxes. We lived there almost 2 years, and just suddenly got a bill that we owed $1200. We've paid a little bit off.

We are young, this was our first house, and now that I look back, I feel we were suckered into buying the house.

The house needs major repairs. It has that illegal pb piping (the house is too old to be covered by the class action lawsuit), and illegal siding on 3 sides of the house.

The previous owners lived here since the home was built. He pulled the wool over our eyes by replacing the siding on the front side of the house only. He promised us the hole in the back side was properly patched. Now, we have a gaping hole in the back of our house, and the insulation is showing. Good thing it's been dry and 75-100 degrees out lately.

The home needs the air ducts clean. The ceiling sags in the kitchen. I was also told that was no big deal. At the time, I believed whatever I was told because I didn't know any better.

I was told we would have to sell the house, and that was the only way. The property is valued at $26,000, but we owe $33,000 on the house. NOBODY will buy this house for that much. They would have to have some money to do some major repairs, because it seems like it should almost be condemned.

We can't find any renters. Being that we have no money, we can't the costly repairs the house needs. I could never move somebody into a house that could be potentially unsafe. And I truly believe this may be an unsafe house.

I'm worried, because my husband and two children live here, as well. I don't know what to do with this house!!!

A housing authority manager told me I could ask Conseco (our mortgage company) to take the house back, but he was also quick to say they'd most likely refuse.

He said we could stop paying our landlords the rent, that we could get evicted, and they would take over the house.

We already have destroyed credit. What would happen if we did this??? We don't want any money from this house, we just need to get out. We can't afford it, and it's eating us up. Please, someone help me.

My name is Lori, I live in WA state, and my email address is **Please See My Profile** Thank you and God bless you all, Lori


  • tailfeather17th August, 2003

    The age of your house has nothing to do with your ability to file suit to for action on all parties involved in selling you the home in the first place. For staters I would go back to your original sales contract - provide it to an attorney and let them handle it from there. Typically there is a 7 year statutory clause that allows for nightmares like yours to be dealt with.

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