Ok, Tell Me If I Got This Right

independentchic00 profile photo

Ok, so i'm a beginning investor ready to take actio, actually i have alreadu started to take action. I want to start out with wholesaling and i've read a lot about the process. Here's the concept i have in mind.

1. Complie a list of investor buyers.
2. Find a rundown property.
3. Use court house records to find the owners contact information.
4. Send a them a letter telling them i'm interested in buying their house.
5. Hope that they will get in touch with me. When they do agree on a pofitable price for both them, me and the investor that i will be flipping it to .
5. Get the house under contract.
6. Assign the contract to my investor buyer for a fee.
Does this sound about right?

Ok, does anyone have a few pointers in finding these kind of deals with out driving around a nieghborhood. Is ist a good idea to look at probate record and tax lein records at the court house and send out letters to those prospects telling them i'm interested in purchasing thier property?

I drove around a area today and found about 8 potienial deals. One imparticular, the grass is way high,weeds every where and they have a warning notice from the county saying if they don't cut their grass within a week they will have a tax lein against thir house. Should I leave a letter in the mail box or stick a letter in the window or door letting the seller know that i am interested in buying thier house. Or should i try knockng?

Thanx in advance for your responses.


  • 64Ford9th October, 2004

    Should I leave a letter in the mail box or stick a letter in the window or door letting the seller know that i am interested in buying thier house. Or should i try knockng?

    I wonder if anyone is living at that property. If so, it may not be the owner. That sounds like the perfect property for you. From county records, see where the owner lives, and get in touch with them. Calling them would be idea, or send them a letter.
    Good Luck!

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