What Are You Getting For Christmas?

dealfinder profile photo

The season is here and I know it's mainly for the kids but it would be interesting to hear what us "big kids" are getting or hope to get.

It should produce an interesting list. Please feel free to participate. As for me, I just need a new compressor that's gas operated as I'm getting into some heavier rehab projects. Have given the wife plenty of hints, so we'll see. Merry Christmas to all of you.



  • ZinOrganization10th December, 2004

    Im not really interested in getting anything, its more of a "season of giving" but unless someone is going to buy me a ferrari which is highly unlikely, then i expect nothing. but i have already gotten my unkle and cousin both bottles of Dom P. and i grabbed my Dad a new King Cobra Driver to hit the linx. i will grab em a couple of more things and that will be it.

  • alexlev10th December, 2004

    Keeping my fingers crossed that my wife tells me to expect an addition to our family in about nine months. What a present that would be! I know it often takes a while and we just started trying a month or two ago, but it is the season of miracles, and this is the one I'm hoping for.

  • Skibrz10th December, 2004

    A 3/3/1 with detached garage apartment. We're giving it to each other this year-- should close before Christmas. Having a hard time fitting it under the tree...


  • LadyGrey12th December, 2004

    A rental in Rome, GA - where we are about to move.

    If not that...I guess I don't really want anything.

  • Alice13th December, 2004

    I want to do some work on my house for once, instead of the rentals. I want to paint and put in some new carpet.



  • staceydl18th December, 2004

    REI newbie looking to close my first deal in January. A little late for Christmas, but I'll take it.

    Also hoping for a painting to hang in the living room. I've dropped a few hints...

  • d_random23rd December, 2005

    I am hoping for good health and happiness for my friends and family.

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