Material In Signature

NancyChadwick profile photo

The signature of user name "summerhays76" contains a website address. I thought that was not permitted.

Have the rules changed in this respect?



  • JohnLocke25th September, 2004


    I sent him a warning message when he ignored me I started deleting his posts, so he has been advised.

    I need to ask, can everyone get their private messages, if not unless he has subcribed then he would not know?


  • NancyChadwick25th September, 2004


    Don't know what his membership level is so it's possible he doesn't have PM capability.

    I was going to suggest that you could email him through his website, but then I discovered that his website doesn't have a "contact me" or email link.


  • JohnLocke25th September, 2004


    I looked at that also to contact him, however he has been warned in some posts I deleted by other Moderators in his posts.

    I sent in a report this post on one of the ones that is left, so let's see what happens.


  • NancyChadwick25th September, 2004



    This brings up a point though. Shouldn't each member be required to provide a means whereby they can be contacted? If they don't have PM capability, then they should have to provide email as a way for people to contact them.


  • JohnLocke25th September, 2004


    Unless they show an email in their profile, we will never have access to their email through TCI, the powers to be would not release this information. We really have no way of knowing if they received a message from us or not so....

    I am thinking we should delete the copy in their post and just put
    *ADVERTISING* *LENDER FISHING* , etc. in their posts.

    This way it will help determine if they should go to jail by looking at their previous posts if they continue to do it. Also it sends a message to others and no one likes to have that in their posts.

    I have never seen the amount of recent rule breaking mainly advertising in all the time I have been a moderator. I am talking personal email full of "report this post", plus the ones I delete just normally.

    This problem needs addressed and maybe by jumping in their posts this will get the message across.


  • NancyChadwick26th September, 2004


    I guess what I had in mind was some change in the system whereby those in the Newbie membership level would have to enable the email function in their profiles since they can't send or receive PM's.

    It seems reasonable to say, in effect, if you're going to post in the Forums, you have to provide a means for being contacted. If you choose not to have PM capability, then you have to provide email.

    Barring that, I agree there's no alternative except to embarrass them "publicly."


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