Print Supplies Question

pghinvestor profile photo

For those that are doing a good bit of printing, or allot of printing, any recommendations for an online stationary site to order supplies?

Yes, I have searched, but I am looking for recommendations for reputable and decently priced sites.

This would probably be for those investors chasing foreclosures with there numerious letters and post cards.


  • ZinOrganization24th July, 2005

    judging by the response it seems everyone uses there own cash to fund deals here?

    if thats the case how much liquid cash on hand do you have and how many deals are you able to do per month?

    if i was to estimate how much cash i would need to do 2-5 deals per month and pay for marketing with my own money i would say i would need atleast 125k cash.[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 07/24/2005 ]

  • pghinvestor19th September, 2005

    For all those that buy business cards, or post cards for your foreclosure owners and letters, no one has any online stationary/printing companies they do their business with for recommendations?

  • worknomore20th September, 2005

    I did lot of searching on the web and found that OfficeDepot has the best pricing for printing paper and the envelopes. I use 28lb 103 brightness paper with #10 double window envelopes and I could not find anything significantly cheaper than officedepot.

    I am keen on hearing from other members if they do know of more economical sources over the internet.

  • IBuyHousesInc20th September, 2005

    You people are wasting too much time worring about the price of paper. A better use of your time would be knocking doors of distressed houses.

  • mcarr197325th October, 2005 will give you 250 free business cards
    and I also find that the site is reasonably priced.

    For the price of buying business card paper 29.00 you can have them print a 1000 full color business cards and unlike print shops in the neighborhood which put a price on any more than 3 colors, the above place you can have unlimited colors at no extra charge. well uploaded photos cost more 4.99 on your total purchase.

    hope it helps

  • norrist25th October, 2005

    I think it is actually

    We have used them with good success.


  • norrist25th October, 2005

    They "tease" you with the free cards, but they really do nice work.

  • bgrossnickle25th October, 2005

    Are you looking for postcards. usapostcards - I am pretty sure that is there name - is really cheap and they answer the phone. There is only one internet company where I found cheaper cards, but you could never get a live person on the phone.


  • bgrossnickle27th October, 2005

    According to their web sites ... postcards, 4x6, 4/4

    Vista: 5k $329, 10k $549, 20k $858
    Usapostcards: 5k $180, 10k 360, 20k $720

  • mattfish114th November, 2005

    Actually has a pretty good program to print/mail all your postcards. Like a one stop shop. I used to print postcards, have them delivered to me, print mailing lists, stick them on, and stick a stamp on EVERY ONE...

    Now I upload MY postcard onto as well as my mailing lists (Microsoft excel spreadsheet) and they print, ship them out, etc all for a VERY reasonable price. I think I pay less doing it this way... Under 30 cents per postcard in Black & white... Obviously not including the purchase of the leads...

    Good Luck!

  • clint4813th December, 2005

    You might want to try Ebay, they sell just about everything. I have seen products sell well below what you can get in a store, even with the S/H.


  • harddtime13th January, 2006

    nothing better then

  • JohnMichael24th July, 2005


    Family connections / friends
    Borrow against an insurance policy
    Cash in your insurance policy
    Finance companies
    Credit unions
    Employer advance
    Advertise for cash
    Personal note
    Credit cards
    Home improvement loans
    Compensating balances
    Personal property loans
    Collateralized loans
    Refinancing cash
    Loan brokers (costly)
    Buy at discount and trade to full value
    Deep discounted bonds
    Borrow against 401k
    [ Edited by JohnMichael on Date 07/24/2005 ]

  • JohnMichael24th July, 2005

    You will find no typical transaction when it comes to hard moneylenders.

    Interest rates: 10 to 18 percent

    Balloon payment: typical, usually due after 1 or 2 years

    Most only will want a first mortgage

    Loan-to-value ratios run from 50 to 65 percent and in some cases as much as 80% under special circumstances

    Points can range from 3 to 10

    You will most likely have to pay the closing costs and due diligence

    And commitment fees ranging from 1/3% to 1% of the loan amount

  • JohnMichael24th July, 2005

    Hard moneylenders are private individuals and small local companies that operate in making loans to the desperate or needy investors the same way regular banks and brokers service traditional customers.

    Hardmoney lenders look for:

    1. A property purchase project that is clear, concise, realistic, and honest.
    2. They do not deal in dreams but in fact and profit.
    3. You must show them that the project is viable, limited risk, and above all you must have your profit exit Strategy clear and concise.
    4. Most will be looking for experience in you (This can come in your displayed confidence in your project) You have to get them to believe in your abilities and your feasibility to carry out the project.
    5. You should provide them a business plan.
    6. You should provide them a project plan.

    The more details on the property you provide the better off you will be.

  • ZinOrganization24th July, 2005

    thanks John Micheal, i do know what hard money is and how to obtain it and most ways of investing.

    i guess i didnt explain myself. i am seeking this money to cash out the sellers equity. so if the house is worth 180k they owe 120k and they want 20k then i would be seeking that 20k to cash them out and take the property sub2. that money would be secured as a 2nd mortgage. that is the reason i dont like hard money, because 10-15% interest and a couple points up front isnt bad on a loan of that size but when you get into loans over 100k then that can instantly kill a deal. so do you see what im saying. my question wasnt really "what is private funding and how to fund deals" but more of how to market to certain individuals to obtain it. anyways as always John your posts are very informative for others that might not be as knowledgable and i do appreciate the time you took to write them.

  • bgrossnickle24th July, 2005

    I was just putting together a "credibility kit" to try to market to my dad and his girlfriend. Guru Kathy Kennebrook and Lou Brown have a section in their material about the credibility kit. Nothing fancy, just a portfolio of who you are, deals you have done, references, how they can use their IRA, etc that you can show people. One kit may be to get sellers to sell to you, another to get private money. I was going to put together for private money. It is getting harder to find hard money because everybody is now "into real estate" and the hard money guys are running out of money.

    Anyway, I am putting together a resume/portfolio to present to my dad, his girlfriend, a list of weathly friends, and anyone else that I can start thinking of that might have a few bucks.


  • ZinOrganization24th July, 2005

    thanks brenda, thats exatly what im talking about. i was thinking about paying some sort of company to come up with a solid business plan so that i could show investors, but what your doing sounds even better.

    do you know the name of that course, is it a seperate course or is it part of one big package?

    see, personally i just dont think its proper to ask family members for money. mine dont have any anyways but i still wouldnt. maybe if they were millionairs i would. to each his own.

    anyone remember in the movie "wallstreet" when charlie sheen is looking through that list of "High net worth" individuals to cold call. does anyone know if such a list exsists or where it would be compiled? ybe i could send them flyers or something of that sort

  • ZinOrganization25th July, 2005

    well i agree, but do you know how much it cost to advertise in the wallstreet journal or the NewYork Times? its ridiculous. the subscriber base of the paper i advertised in was slightly over 100 thousand people, my full color insert ad was front and back and was done very professionally (not office max quality). the front advertised that i buy houses and the back advertised that i was seeking private capital. now surely everyone who reads the paper isnt a millionaire but surely there are plenty of doctors and lawyers in my town who read this paper and maybe dont read the Journal or the Times. this paper hits the main area that i invest in. all in all my targeted area has a population of around 250 thousand people and this paper reaches almost half of that. why did it fail? i dont know the answer to that but it is clear that i need another method that does work. now if i cant get the phone ringing then what sense does it make to have a packet of properties and everything else made up. my point is that i need to get the phone ringing with people who are interested in making more money then they do on there CD account.

    P.S. i do realize that there are other ways to get financing but i really have zero established credit and cant qualify for conventional loans.


    [ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 07/25/2005 ][ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 07/25/2005 ]

  • JohnMichael27th July, 2005


    I just love your drive and our previous communications!

    I have built my empire around using "OPM" and "OPT" keep in mind that this did not happen overnight!

    For me to take you through a step by step in a forum format much will get lost in the translation!

    You have a heart for this game and it seems you are trying vary hard and I would be happy to guide you in this process.

    No charge my friend all I ask is that when you make your first million you can buy me a soda.

  • Eric527th July, 2005

    I would buy you a Pepsi truck for that kind of help.

  • JohnMichael30th July, 2005

    It was a pleasure talking with you today and I am in hopes that some of the information will be of some help.

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