Cheapest Way To Print And Mail Postcards

velin profile photo


i am wondering if anyone can recommend the cheapest way to do mass mailing.




  • tbelknap23rd October, 2003

    The U.S. Postal Service. Check out the site.

    Good Luck,


  • nebulousd23rd October, 2003

    you can print the cards yourself. kinkos can do 4 cards for 26 cents (4 cards per one 8.5 x 11 sheet) get some post card stamps, get a mailing list and go for it. I sent out 600 for about $175

  • nebulousd23rd October, 2003

    the more you do yourself, the cheaper it will be. your biggest expense will be the stamps.

  • maverickstar23rd October, 2003

    Hi I found several companies on line that can give you 5000 post cards with a slick finish for $359. Not bad price. ask google for advertising.

  • tbelknap23rd October, 2003

    Personally, the only work I want to do is upload a list of people I want to mail postcards out to and pay for it. I have better things to do than put labels and stamps on postcards. That was how I started out. It gets tiring when mailing out 200 - 500 at a time.

    You can't get it cheaper than It still costs you the same as a postcard stamp. And they print it, label it and mail it out for you.


  • velin23rd October, 2003

    thanks for the tips.


  • thomasgsweat23rd October, 2003

    I pay .25 on

    I can't do it cheaper myself.

  • nebulousd23rd October, 2003

    is that .25 a card, stamped and labeled?

  • nebulousd24th October, 2003

    I'm on the post office web site and just can't seem to figure this thing out. what steps do you take to do the post card campaign on the web site?

  • CarolTheGreat24th October, 2003

    I pay 22 cents for postage on my bulk mail permit and $14 to print 220 at kinkos - use MS Word to compose.

  • InActive_Account24th October, 2003

    Keep this in mind, doing it the cheapest in not necessarily the cheapest. If you want to do bulk rate mailings correctly and regularly, you will have to buy a bulk rate permit ($50-$100). I don’t remember the price. This is going to drop your mailing cost from .37 to .28 (or .22 whatever the current rate is). Printing the cards is cheaper. You can get several thousand done for a couple hundred dollars. I have seen 5,000 cards front and back four color for $250.00 +/-. The funny thing is you can usually double the quantity for less than a third of price once you hit a certain threshold. Find out what their breakpoints are. When it comes to labeling you can pre-print labels and attach them by hand or you can have the print shop do it an extra fee, usually something half way reasonable like $5-$10 per thousand.

    Mailings are never cheap. I have found that it might be cheaper to go to an Alphagraphics or CopyMax. They will do single sided copies for .05 and double sided for .09 +/- a penny. They might even go as low as .035 for 5,000 or 10,000 copies. Then find the guy who is going door to door and have them do it. They can be picked up about $30-$50 a day. So here you get your target market canvassed and you have several thousand copies always on hand to do promotions.

    That is just my opinion. Something to think about.


    Phil ~

    Phillip Herrejon

  • thomasgsweat24th October, 2003

    USPS cost me .25 per piece. That is total cost. Printing and mailing.

  • thomasgsweat24th October, 2003

    When looking at canvassing versus targeted mailing you need to take into account the ratio's of potentially motivated sellers.

    With the canvassing method you are spending money on placing materials in people's hands who have no reason whatsoever to be motivated. There are a lot of people like this.

    If you work with a targeted list then you get a higher ROI. Of course this assumes that you are targeting people who have a high likelyhood of motivation.

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