Best Legal Structure For Development?

Nuetrino profile photo

Hi all.

This is my first post on the commercial side of things. I have experience in Residential investments, but need help with this latest endeavor.

I am interested in developing property in a foreign country - Costa Rica. Aside from all the challenges of doing business in a foreign country, I would like some advice on how to best structure my concept and create a vehicle for an investment like this.

The goal would not neccessarily be to maximize profits for myself, but rather benefit myself and stakeholders by investing as a group rather than individually. Land and construction purchased "in bulk" should ideally offer "economy of scale" advantages to those vested. Of course their are many assumptions in that statement, but for now could I get help with the framework of this idea?

For example 150 acres of land could be identified. 1/2 of that land could be set aside as a preserve. The remaining land could be developed in a manner acceptable to stakeholders. They idea would be to offer people features, in both property and construction, they individually would not be able to create obtain as efficiently. The cost of both land and construction could also be proportionally less if purchased as a group rather than individually and common goals could be realize (theoretically)

My question is what would be the best legal and financial structure to have in place before promoting this idea and soliciting monies?

Would a corporation work well for this?

A Trust?

Foreigh or domestic (US) ?

Ideally my company would want to promote the idea and have control over the project. We would want to seek input but have decision making authority.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

[ Edited by Nuetrino on Date 10/26/2006 ]

[ Edited by Nuetrino on Date 10/26/2006 ]


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