Low Man On Totum Pole But Still Creative

tomjerry200 profile photo

This is a funny but aggravating story. I'm currently in a sales position where I sell an "intangible product". To protect my identity I won't mention the industry (small world and all). I'm told to "Open the door to new business opportunities" and our staff will do the rest. Been at this job for 3 years and soon to leave. Not being too self-absorbant, I really consider myself a very creative person. Well, one department that I was hired to grow continually downplays some opportunities I bring to them. In fact this particular department has been losing business for the other producers as well. The dept. manager is not known for creativity and finds it very easy to explain why something won't work vs. "How can we get this account."

Kicker--------Yesterday we had a company sales meeting and something new was started. Awards were given to the person that had the best month and the one who had the worst. Guess who had the worst? You got it-me, myself and I. Althought everyone got a great laugh at my expense and I took it with a smile, I wanted to tell everyone to bring their 2003 tax returns when completed and we'd see who was on top. From the monthly sales numbers you can calculate what everyone makes and it is apparant CREI is much more lucrative in much less time.

I'm not writing this story for any boasting because I am a very small fish in the sea. i guess it is just venting frustrating because my creativity has been turned down so often from the status quo in the office but if allowed to expand on it I could do a great service to the company.

Closing thoughts--I have a property on the market that when sold I'm leaving my full-time job. Actually thought this would have been February but my timing was off. Hopefully, this post will find some of the "newbies" out there such as myself and be more motivating than anything else.

As this large "award" sits on my desk this morning for everyone to see (it's a large fat toad sitting on a thrown looking bored with a plaque that states, "low man on the totum pole," I saying to myself, "If they only knew." Tell you the truth the frog looks like I actually feel at this job.

For the members of this board, keep investing in RE. There is a heck of a lot more opportunity for creativity than most of our daily "jobs."

J wink


  • Kathleen24th March, 2004

    TomJerry, You should keep that wicked knowing smile to yourself while knowing that as soon as you have that deal done YOU'RE OTTA THERE! Of course in the meantime, I'd be looking for the AWARD I'd leave behind on the desk when you leave.... Maybe a copy of the check of your profit from your deal, wouldn't that BE SWEET. Go get 'em!

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