Articles??...are You Serious?

nebulousd profile photo

Does TCI read some of the crap that people write before it's posted. I use to look forward to the article's that came out because they were informative and stimulated my mind. They made me want to dig deeper and find out more about the information that was posted. Honestly, that's how I got started on TCI, reading the articles. Now, I don't even bother because most of the stuff written is pointless. I stopped subscribing to the newsletter because there really wasn't a whole lot of substance in there. I only wanted the newsletter to see what were the latest and greatest things written. Now it seems to be a joke. Some of that crap could be posted in a forum and have people respond to it that way. I'm starting to end up with more questions than answers and satisfaction when I read these things.

The reason for this post is to say, TCI, don't post everything everyone writes...members, don't submit every paragraph you decide to write. I'm not a great writer nor do I try to be. I just want what's on this website to be of value. Have some type of substance and not a bunch of fluff. Yes, Joel does a great job at making stuff look really nice and it may look appealing to see your name on the home page. But get a life and contribute to the substance of this website and make it informative.

I'm sorry if I hit a nerve, but this is getting ridiculous.


  • nebulousd23rd February, 2004

    And don't get me wrong, there are still some great authors who write some great stuff. Those people know who they are and I'm sure we could sit here and name them. But some of this stuff....

  • WheelerDealer23rd February, 2004

    Maybe you could post an article on what should be in an arltcle.

  • nebulousd23rd February, 2004

    There's always at least one in every group.


    \Ar"ti*cle\, n. [F., fr. L. articulus, dim. of artus joint, akin to Gr. ?, fr. a root ar to join, fit. See Art, n.] 1. A distinct portion of an instrument, discourse, literary work, or any other writing, consisting of two or more particulars, or treating of various topics; as, an article in the Constitution. Hence: A clause in a contract, system of regulations, treaty, or the like; a term, condition, or stipulation in a contract; a concise statement; as, articles of agreement.

    2. A literary composition, forming an independent portion of a magazine, newspaper, or cyclopedia.

    3. Subject; matter; concern; distinct. [Obs.]

    A very great revolution that happened in this article of good breeding. --Addison.

    This last article will hardly be believed. --De Foe.

    4. A distinct part. ``Upon each article of human duty.'' --Paley. ``Each article of time.'' --Habington.

    The articles which compose the blood. --E. Darwin.

    5. A particular one of various things; as, an article of merchandise; salt is a necessary article.

    They would fight not for articles of faith, but for articles of food. --Landor.

    6. Precise point of time; moment. [Obs. or Archaic]

    This fatal news coming to Hick's Hall upon the article of my Lord Russell's trial, was said to have had no little influence on the jury and all the bench to his prejudice. --Evelyn.

    7. (Gram.) One of the three words, a, an, the, used before nouns to limit or define their application. A (or an) is called the indefinite article, the the definite article.

  • WheelerDealer23rd February, 2004

    Someone has really gotten under your skin! We' ll just hope that the integrity stays in tact.

  • monkfish23rd February, 2004

    I agree.

    Some of the articles I've read recently are nothing more than message board posts.

    If that's all it takes, then maybe I should turn this post into an "article."

  • joel23rd February, 2004

    If people don't post articles, we don't have any to choose from.

    Nebulous, start posting articles if you want to read some.

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