Tax Lien Schedule

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Does anyone have a schedule of expected Tax / Deed Liens in Delaware and Maryland? I am a NJ investor and since the 'SHARKS' are playing in my state, its time to spread to these two.

FYI, when I write 'SHARKS' I mean people who represent investment companies like Goldman Sachs and Fidelity Investments, they have been coming to many NJ auctions and paying crazy premiums, too.

Any help is appreciated.



  • KyleGatton29th September, 2003

    Beware of Maryland. There are laws put into effect by the last governor that prohibit flipping properties. There are ways around it but make sure you cover yourself. I dont know the exacts of the laws but when I lived there they were talking about limiting the amounts you could legally make on the resale of the house within the first years timeframe. Also within Maryland it will be a county issue, each county does not work well with the state, so information is limited. Baltimore County has the most deals available, but there are areas where no one has lived for over 20 years. Also dont forget about the hurricane that just went through and flooded sections of Baltimore.
    Deleware is sparce, the economy in the rural areas is tough, but there are deals to be had there definitely. The closer you get to the ocean, the better, and easier for resale.

    Good Luck,

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