John Beck Tried To Take Me For $8,500

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I'm a stock trader trying to get into real estate. I ordered John Becks course for $50. The Tax sales idea seems promising enough but the info seemed incomplete. 2 days after I get the package, I get a call from a guy pitching me to pay $8,500 to buy a website so I can sell John Becks properties online with a coaches assistance. The pitch was that Mr. Beck has acquired more properties (hundreds) for pennies on the dollar than he could possibly sell. So he needs my help in my area of the country to help him sell them. "$8500 please. Is that to high for you? Do you have a problem investing that kind of money? I thought you told me you were ready to invest $10,000. I can tell you that the last guy I signed up made that $8,500 back on his 1st deal. If you're really uncomfortable I can get you started for only $5,500. Do you have your credit card handy?" NO WAY Get lost I thought, but I said let me do some research and I'll give you a call back." He became very defensive. What a pushy salesman. The sad thing is I'll bet people fall for this trap.

B. Butler


  • jjetts424th November, 2003

    I had something similar happen to me not with John Beck but with Grant Seeker Pro. Find money the government will give you to fix up properties.

    I even got a free session with a "professional" to help me find a grant I can use and get the paperwork filled out right. Sounds great. The free session only costs 6,000. But hey..use the power of leveage with other peoples money. Use my credit card. How is this leverage again? Dont I need a monthly income for this to be leverage?

    There are many scams out there. Those are the people we have to make sure not to get caught up with.

  • norrist24th November, 2003

    Good for you QQQ. If it sounds too good to be true...we all know the rest. I have heard of stories similar to yours, with the exception of stopping the scam before it happened!

  • RonaldStarr25th November, 2003


    That is not John Beck soliciting you. John has a contract with an informercial company to provide materials and appear on the commercials to help them sell his package. He gets a royality for those sold.

    However, it is true that John Beck and Joyce, his wife, are very highly successful in buying lots of properties cheap through the collection of delinquent property taxes process. But, John and Joyce already have a lot of people who buy their surplus properties from them and then market them on the internet and elsewhere. I suppose that they might welcome some other buyers.

    Why don't relate to John directly what happened and ask him point-blank if he is involved with this pitch? He is a straight-shotter and will tell you what is going on. His website is

    The materials are a little hard to follow when you are beginning. The organization is not too good. However, there is a lot of very valuable information in there. I'd encourage you to read through it all and listent to the tapes. My copies of the tapes have the order of cassetts sides all bollexed up.

    I make very good purchases at tax sales and tax resales. Sometime I may tell you the story of the house I bought for $225 last june. And the three or five unit property for $250.

    Good Investing**********Ron Starr********

  • InActive_Account25th November, 2003

    The post above is a great reminder that we live in a world corrupted by unscrupulous individuals. We as TCI members congregate on the basis that we may meet good people to do business with and learn in a neutral learning environment. Unfortunately there are a good number of individuals who will take advantage of good willed individuals. Keep your eyes and ears open but your hand on your wallet.


    Phil ~

    Phillip Herrejon

  • end-times-investments7th December, 2003

    Greetings all,

    This is my first post to this site. I am posting this because it is applicable to me. I, too, called in for John Beck's course “Free and Clear.” A pushy woman wanted to sell me magazines, other investor material, hand lotion etc. Basically, I told her all I wanted was John Beck's course! Anyway, I did receive it quickly and shortly thereafter received a call from WebAd Systems in Phoenix AZ. This is the web site for selling John's land through Land Banc (his company). Being interested in the sales pitch - I talked him down to $795. I got the packet in the mail, read through it and the fun began! I now have a web site (, my own e-commerce (Wonderpay) account (I can use this on up to ten websites) and can broker these properties located in CO, AZ and TX. I have not sold any as of yet but evidently, I must advertise these in order to make money. In a nutshell - I don't believe it's a scam. From what I understand the more money you “invest” the more land is available to sell and the more advertising they do for you. I will be purchasing a 1-acre+ lot in either Alamosa, CO or Cochise, AZ in January for less than $1,000. Each of the lots are worth anywhere between $3500 and $8000. In the meantime, I will keep you all posted if I really find anything flaky with the endeavor!

    Mark Brown

  • Lufos7th December, 2003

    I really do not have an opion of John Beck but there are so many out there all sounding off as if they were the divine message from God.

    The hard sell has always been with us and if you do not believe that go to any used car lot and listen to it come down.
    "Howdy friend how are you folks today? My names Bob and whats yours?" "Now what am I going to have to do to have you take one of these little beauties home?" My reply is always constant. "Give it to me for free and pay the insurance." They always seem to take great offense at that simple little remark.

    I love to fill out the forms that come up on my screen and in about a day, Bobs back on the telephone wanting to sell me some great wonderful mentoring to teach me the essence of the real estate business. I let it go on for awhile, and them I give him book and verse using all these cryptic little letters you all use on this site. "I got this NOD yesterday and the NTS is accelerated and the PMTD that got took back is etc. etc.. There is always this dull pause on the other end of the telephone. Soon I am talking to one of the Apostles direct. And guys he has no more idea of what I am talking about then I do when I am reading all of your little short cuts. PIQ, Property in Question indeed. Come on since age 12 when I had my first summer job in the Hall of Records to this date I still draw a blank at some of your buzz words. Damn thats 69 years. oops my favorite number.
    So you see I really do not believe that there is much anybody can teach us that are now on this site. I got blown away tonight on a posting laying out and describing the Trust Deeds their uses and names in California. It was so good that he should be teaching it in some law school. I abstracted it and have it here in my little folder of notes for some great literary occasion.

    I must say without blowing air up you. I have learned more in the past few months on this site then I ever knew before. A lot of you have crystalized thinking that I could not verbalize until now. So thank you all keep up the good work lets all help Mr. Z get his money back.

    With great thanks. and you too Mrs. Metzler.


  • loanwizard7th December, 2003

    Lufos, not all used car dealers are created equally,. In response to your query about a free car with paid insurance, I would respond that has been the best offer on that car today. The problem with your hypothetical used car salesman is what happens to a lot of us. He put the cart in front of the horse. You can't close the deal if there is no deal to close. Whatever happened to getting the customer excited about the product? Make no mistake, most purchases are emotional. You must do a feature benefit before you close. Close hard always, but close smart. I hope I am boring you cause I am most touchy about cracks against my honorable profession.

    Good Luck,

  • richen10th December, 2003

    I just want to chime in and say that I totally agree with Ron Starr's comments. John Beck is a straight shooter and has been successful in tax lien purchasing, but his marketing company is just another pushy outfit. And it is wise for you not to fall for that sturff. Good luck hunting!!


  • Johnmv10th January, 2004

    Hey maybe a coupld of good deals are still happenng in the heartland but my guees is soon more desperate investors form Califonia, Texas and Florida will be there too. Take everything Mr Starr says with a grain of salt as he has been affilitiated with Mr Beck for a long time. Listening to these guys is like basing your investment decisions on the analysts recommendations on Wall Steeet. I can tell you we''ve followed 30+ counties in Florida for a very long time. We have seen maybe a couple of deals like those described by the gurus in the past 6-7 years and it wasn't the newbies who get that kind of deal anyway . QQQtrader I'm sure if you are good at what you do you can do very well as a trader in the market. I quadrupled my trading account this year myself. I don't think I did anywhere near that in my best year in tax sales a long time ago even when I had a small dollar amount to place and could be real picky. These days local investor are happy with 5-10% profits at best.

  • InActive_Account10th January, 2004

    Where ya from johnm always seems the ones wanting to cause hate and discontent don't want to disclose where they are from or thier real name!!!!!

  • hibby7611th January, 2004

    Tried to Take you for $8500?

    Sounds like he tried to sell you a product at their list price that you didn't think was worth that (so you wisely didn't buy it) but I wouldn't call it highway robbery, I'd call it capitalism.

    The same thing happens to anyone who is shopping around for used cars, water softeners, skin care products, vitamines, and yes, real estate information packages.

    Capitalism isn't always roses, but It's a good system.

  • jfreud11th January, 2004

    Purchased Beck materials, which are utterly worthless except to give you the main idea- you can buy tax lien sales/certificates. No detailed how-to. No place to start.

    Then I get a call from one guy and he sends to me to a "closer", both soliciting me as a "coach" or "mentor" - words that guarantee them payment but no guarantee for any performance on their part. Not only did they say I could pay them with a credit card but that I could leverage purchasing properties on my credit card. While this can be done by experienced R.E. investors it is financial suicide for what I would imagine are the majority of people purchasing these materials.

  • JohnLocke11th January, 2004


    I know Ronald*Starr and I can assure you that he is an honorable person and regardless of who he knows he would not put himself in the position of defending anyone or recommending anyone that he did not feel was worthy of that recommendation.

    Ron and I don't agree on everything, but I respect him and he is a most welcome pro investor here at TCI and has helped many people with the information he openly shares.


    I have no problem giving the vehicle away for free, but that "DOC" fee is a killer.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • cpifer11th January, 2004

    Go to and see if your favorite scam is there. Enjoy kiddies.


  • Johnmv15th January, 2004

    On 2004-01-10 23:30, wpruett wrote:
    Where ya from johnm always seems the ones wanting to cause hate and discontent don't want to disclose where they are from or thier real name!!!!!

    I've moved a couple of times over the years. South Fla, Orlando and Daytona. Been to many of your sales in Jax and did okay over the years. Do you remember old man Ferguson running the sales before Mildred took over several years ago? Or when they did it on the steps and maybe 15-20 people were there as oppossed to the 200-300 crammed into the conference room these days?

  • tsunupe28th August, 2005


    I appreciate your reply.

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