Getting Rid Of Tax Leins?

InActive_Account profile photo

It is my understanding that tax leins are very illiquid. If you need/want money back out at some point, is there any place to sell these prior to the property being sold/forclosed/etc?


  • RonaldStarr30th January, 2004


    That is probably a question of local markets. There are some markets where there are a lot of tax liens and investors and there are companies that deal in tax liens. I am thinking of Illinois and Florida. There may be similar operations in other areas which I do not know about.

    I know that I do get some solicitations related to Maricopa County, AZ, tax liens from time to time as I am a registered bidder there.

    You need to explore the area where you are thinking of investing. Do google searches on the internet to start with. Then try to talk to local players in the tax liens business. Talk to the people who run the tax collectors or treasurers offices. They will have assignments of the liens come through their offices, I believe, so will likely know about companies or active investors who buy and sell liens. You could also check the newspaper advertisements for financial services and products in the area.

    You might go to the location and look at the names of the lien buyers then try to find out their addresses. You could then directly solicit them to purchase your liens if you want to sell.

    However, if you fear having to sell because of hard times, you might not want to invest in tax liens anyway.

    Good Investing********Ron Starr***********

  • InActive_Account30th January, 2004

    Thanks Ron,
    My thought was for the buy side. Didn't know if there was an active secondary market for these that could possibly be bought at discounts from people that have gotten in over their heads or need liquidity for some other reason. Thanks

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