Couple Questions

mjdreal profile photo

Hell-o all I have a few questions to ask of you who Sub To. I know I ask alot of questions some stupid and some That are anoying but I realy want to get the Sub to thing understood.

1) Should I set aside a couple of grand to give sellers when I take there home Subject To' or if they want a couple of grand should I even deal with them Becuase there not motivated anyway..

2) Being that I get my CYA letter signed should I be scared of not finding some to buy the house....I don't plan on not paying I'm just scared that I might not find a buyer..

3) How much money did you all start out with. And what do you do if you can't find a buyer.

4) Will this work in a hot market.

5) When I buy John's book will all these questions be answered " so I should shut up and just buy the book".

P.s Thank you all for your help you all help me in many ways with your advise and your wisdom..Thank you for your time ...Matt [ Edited by mjdreal on Date 02/03/2004 ]


  • killenjw3rd February, 2004

    Mr. Locke's course is very informative and to the point. All of your questions will be answered by it and if they aren't be sure that he will walk you through what ever you need. Trust me as much as we talk it is a wonder that we aren't drinking buddies. He is a good man and will certainly make sure that you have all the tools you need to get started. I started with about 1200 dollars. You have to make sure that you can sell the house though. You don't want to buy a house that you don't think will sell.

    Good luck.

  • mjdreal3rd February, 2004

    Thank you Jim..My problem is that I'm scared to Fail and ruin someones credit I keep trying to find my nich Sub to' is the one that I realy want to do but I think that I have way to many questiond that I need to find answers to.. I'm affraid of not being able to sell the house that it keeps me from even trying...But thats what scares me the most is not starting..

  • killenjw3rd February, 2004

    All valid fears my friend but to take zero risk inables you to make zero gain. You either play the game or you sit on the side and watch. Your choice noone can make it for you. I can tell you this, however, I am 21 years old, I have a 15 month old daughter, a beautiful loving wife, I make barely enough money to live (military) and I will be damned (sorry Joel gotta make a point) if I am going to sit on the side lines and barely scrap by the rest of my life. I found my passion and I am very willing to accept the risk involved. You just have to ask yourself if you are ready to accept the risk. If you are not you should reevaluate your current path. I am in noway being hostile if it sounds that way. I must be clear that this is a game of risk and gain, you decide though whether or not it is for you. I am rambling now so I hope you understand the point I am trying to make. Get out there and make something happen for yourself.

    If you need to talk privately PM me and I will gladly give you my phone number so we can chat. Your anxiety is warranted but don't let it control you.


  • mjdreal3rd February, 2004

    Thank you Jim I my self have two beutiful baby girls and a wonderful wife that I do not want to ever let down I know I need to get out there and play I just need to Kick my own @$$ into gettin the guts to do it I am one of those thinker type people that will study till the sun comes up and then feel like$h!&% that I never made it happen,,,Thank you for crring and I will PM you...Matt

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