Is It Possible To Short Sale An Entire Apartment Complex?

onehundredpercent profile photo

Has anyone here ever been successful at this? ( .. or at least tried it?) What may one expect compared to single family resi


  • TheShortSalePro22nd March, 2004

    The simple answer would be yes. The realistic answer would be that it would be much, much more complicated.

    Usually, the mortgagees are in place to take over a failed project.

  • onehundredpercent23rd March, 2004

    so it 'can' be done, assuming the building is in foreclosure...

    what kind of mortgagees are in place? are they affiliated with the lender?

  • hibby7623rd March, 2004

    I haven't done it personally, but I know of people that have. There have been properties that I've looked at to buy that I found out that they'd been bought by an investor on a short sale.

  • myfrogger23rd March, 2004

    It is very much possible. Usually with commercial lending there is a much lower LTV which eliminates much of the problem. However when a building is being foreclosed on and the loan is from a traditional lender, they are more than likely very interested in a short sale. I find that a high percentage of apartment buildings are financed by a local bank which may make them harder to "steal" since the banks are right there in the market. I'm sure it is possible so I would go ahead and try. Let us know how it goes!

  • onehundredpercent24th March, 2004


    is the LTV usually low because the developer had to put alot of money down or because the combination of rents bring down the LTV faster than normal ..?

    i hear that any multi over 4 units must have a commercial loan- true?

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