MOLD Is It Dangerous ? Is It Expensive To Fix It ?

rayosx profile photo

hi guys

Do you know on average what would be a repair on that kind "Mold" I know that depends of a lot of factors where is mold located, if it exists a lot of mold or not, etc, but an average what wuold be the cost for that ? and what dangerous is to have mold on the houses ?

I am trying to close a deal but I am not willing to pay to fix for the mold , there are certified companies who specialize on that kind of jobs, I have an appointment with one of them to give me a free quotation of the problem found on that house, it needs cosmetic repairs but I am not willing to absorb mold costs



  • bgrossnickle31st May, 2005

    Using a mold remediation company is like using a general contractor to do your rehabs.


  • mojojojo_131st May, 2005

    well according to doctor dell on 1530 am says you have to be allergic to mold for it to affect you. as for sightliness thats a diff story

  • rayosx31st May, 2005

    Well, on thursday they will make a mold inspection and already they did the inspection report and it was fine but I do not know if with the inspection report I can trust or I need to do also with a mold specialist

    If there is mold can I see it ? smell like humid ? or you can tell if there is or not ?

  • CBuford1st June, 2005

    I am looking at a property with mold damage. I contacted a mold remediation specialist. They will charge me 75.00 to come out and give me an estimate of what it would cost to clean up (The 75.00 goes towards the bill if I choose them). They will also, if they can identify the source. This has the potential to run up your repair costs. according to the specialist, the two main sources are a bad roof and a leaking basement. Of course the cost to repair source would have to be included in the repair costs as well as the mold cleanup. The prop I am looking at recommends wearing a respirator, so it sounds bad. The remediator also said that in some cases the mold has gotten into the frame and all of that has to be pulled out, which is in the thousands of dollars.

  • bgrossnickle1st June, 2005

    I have had mold properties before. This is what I do.

    1) turn off the airconditioner or fan.
    2) Find the source of the water and correct that.
    3) cover affected area with plastic through out.
    4) Tear out all affected drywall, baseboards, insulation, and carpet. Try not to disturb during removal. Lay down plastic on the ground (especially carpet). get the debris out of the house ASAP.
    5) bleach any affected framing.
    6) After the framing drys really well, then spray primer on the framing
    7) replace insulation, drywall, carpet

    Always disclose that there was a water leak problem and that you removed and replaced all wet drywall, insulation and carpet. If asked, you say that you did not have it tested for mold, so you do not know if it was mold.

    If you get the house tested and it comes back as mold, you might as well not buy the house - unless they are giving it away - because you will always have to disclose that it had mold. It you do not disclose and someone gets sick, or a woman miscarries, you could be looking at a lawsuit in the millions.

    The cheap mold tests are useless. A really reliable mold test costs several thousand dollars.

  • NC_Yank1st June, 2005

    There is a myth floating around that bleach kills mold.

    Bleach SHOULD NOT BE USED to kill mold in houses, in particular when dealing with wood products. It will do nothing more then change the color. Bleach can kill mold on hard NON POUROUS products.............which leaves wood out.

    It is not recognized by both OSHA and the EPA as an effective product and in fact can be harmful to the structure itself.

    Borates do better at killing mold..........however the best solution is to REMOVE all effected areas.

    I am not going to get into the debate as to weather or not that the mold is truly dangerous.............however, there are people that I do believe can have more adverse reactions then others.

    Go to the below site for more info on this topic, it has a wealth of info.


  • rayosx2nd June, 2005

    Brenda, so how they can give you free estimates in case that you have mold ? I called by myself to a mold eliminator specialist and they told me that they can go to do me a free estimate to remove the mold, so they will not do it after a inspection report that they will charge me ?

  • bgrossnickle2nd June, 2005

    Think you are missing my point. Only use a mold remediation company if it is already documented that you have a mold house. If you have a documented mold house, you have to use a mold remediation company. Do not buy a documented mold house unless they are practically giving it away because mold remediation companies are very expensive. Do not let a house that you own or want to buy turn into a documented mold house unless the insurance will pay for the mold remediation.


  • rayosx2nd June, 2005


    thanks to clear everything out , now, I understood everything

    Hey guys and gals, thanks for your answer

    This topic can be closed unless someone else want to add something at the end

  • rayosx3rd July, 2005


    thanks for the tip

    Can you explain me a little bit what is the best way to apply it ? how intensive do I need to apply it ? when the mold can be killed after the application of this product, etc , tell me your experiences, it is very interesting to know and it will be a cheaper solution instead to contract a company that will charge a lot

    [ Edited by rayosx on Date 07/03/2005 ]

  • rayosx21st August, 2005

    Two quick questions

    1) If you buy a house that disclosure that it has mold, when you resell it, you need to disclosure the same by law ? or you can sell it "AS IS" and you can say that you have not checked it or tested with for mold ?

    2) You can use the the insurance if you buy a HUD house that has mold and they will do it ? of course in the case that the hud property has insurance

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