Some Thoughts About This Election

creditsolutions profile photo

I agree with the previous comment about not being able to trust any politician, however, for better or worse, this is the system we have evolved into and ignoring it or simply complaining about it is definitely not going to help anyone. I think everyone should take a moment and think about what it was like before our current President was elected. If you have a clear memory of those times you should have no difficulty deciding what to do in November and you might also want to think about the following issues:

1. The economy is much worse now than four years ago, more people are out of work now than four years ago and what adds insult to injury, we cannot believe any of the statistical information published for consumption whether it is offered directly by the government or well concealed controlled arms of the government. We cannot trust the numbers, period.
2. Kerry may not be much better in terms of personal strength and stature, however, if we elect him we will at the very least loosen the stranglehold that the old reactionary network currently has on this country. Ask yourself who has benefited in America over the last four years? Was it you or some giant company that has deep relationships with our government.
3. If you are not worried about our environment, then you should start worrying right now. Our current administration has watered down almost every aspect of our long fought for and bitterly won environmental initiatives. We are going into the toilet, literally.
4. So, if you want a country populated by mindless masses who are robotically following the myth that our economy is improving, who are being artificially medicated by the drug industry into believing that their lives are better because they take pills, who cannot drink the water from their tap in almost every part of the country, whose bodies are being poisoned by the massive government friendly food industry, oh it just goes on and on, anyway, vote Republican.


  • LADealer17th September, 2004

    Sorry, I have to disagree with you. The administration before the current was not great and caused some huge problems. I work in the investment sector (not REI, securities - stocks, bonds, mutual funds). Bankruptcy was climbing and setting records. Health care was a wreck and only getting worse. Education system was faltering, the military was drastically cut (1st term he closed a lot of bases) and lets not forget that he also effectivly shut down the government because he disagreed with the bill that controlled paychecks.

    Lets look at your lists:
    1. Yes the economy is bad but this cycle happens about every 10 years. This time it hit 6 months early with 9/11. Thousands of jobs were in those two buildings, many will never be reestablished.

    We also have many companies declaring bankruptcy or being shut down because of crooked CEO's, more jobs lost along with savings and pensions. The current administration has no control over that unless they are inspecting the books. However, the current administration is seeking a cure for employees that work for those companies that get shut down because of crooked CEO's.

    It is also known that statistics can be manipulated any many ways without lying. One of the major statisics used for the umptine thousands of "unemployed" count those who are self employed (Like REI's or MLM [no corelation intended], work at home) because they do not have a formal position. Another statistic only uses claims but does not take into account that thousands of military personnel can claim unemployment after seperation who are recieveing military benefits. Skewed again.

    2. "Reactionary network" whats that. How else were they react to a major attack on the U.S.? Everyone in the country wanted retribution. The current administration could only make a decision on the intelligence it recieves. Some of that intelligence came from other reliable countries. The non-supporting countries had direct monitary ties to Iraq and would lose those funds if we went in. Those ties by the way were in direct violation of U.N. Sanctions. Hmm, makes you wonder.

    Kerry started slinging mud from the outset. Bush has tried to remain calm and does not sling mud and make accusations like Kerry does. I truely believe he will get wishy washy on Iraq, Afganastan, Iran, and N. Korea.

    As for the "the large company". C'mon, they have been working with the government since the Johnson administration. Every hotspot the U.S. has had they were there. Why? because they have the equipment, personnel, and expierance to handle the job. Do they get paid enormous amounts? Yes, but so does the company producing the million dollar toilet seat for the shuttle.

    3. The enviroment is not getting any worse any faster than it was 4 years ago. If anything it is getting better. We have more regulations comming out to control emmisions on construction equipment (not done in the prior administration) along with diesel trucks. More hybrid cars are being sold than ever. Hondas and Toyotas have a back order list for their cars. Ford is comming out with a hybrid SUV.

    What do you want "A New Clean Air BIll"? The past three have not even taken effect yet. Stiffer penalties for violations? Make it 2M per violation and that might get a reaction and put even more people out of work. Currently fines are more than likely me reaching in my pocket and turning over a nickle to you.
    Bush set forth funding research into energy cells so we could get away from fosil fuels altogether.

    As for #4. Look. 6 months after Bush took office a major crisis hit. He had to take action. The country wanted him to. Congress authorized it. Kerry has gone both ways (documented you can it on the cogressional web site).

    I went to Iraq. I personnaly saw what went on there and it WILL give you nightmares if you saw it too. I don't agree with what happened in Abu Gahreb but I certainly understand it. Kerry thinks we "service men and women" need an appology for going over there, would you like me to you what he can do with that "explanation" or appology.

    I lost some good men there, I also got injured permanantly and am now being forced out. To tell you the truth I would have more nervous about going with Kerry in office. Bush does not put up with non-sense but he is not a hot head either and quick to push the button. Being in a country where you do not know who or where the enemy is I personally and I am sure many military personnel do not some wishy washy CIC in charge.

    We did what we had to in order to survive. We were literally makeing it up and writing the book as we went along.

    As for the economy it is comming back. but it is up and down as it always has done after a major downturn. Jobs are being created but the administration cannot dictate to companies what jobs to create. Companies are creating part time jobs that are low paying. They are not bringing back those high paying fulltime benefit layden jobs. Both canidates can say they will create jobs. But if they can only get the companies to bring about part time low paying jobs, then guess what, thats all there is going to be.

    If Kerry goes in and dismantles Bushes tax plan we are going to see even harder times. The item is simple, Bush has instegated the wealth theory "Reaganonmics" as it was called. Studied by the largest business schools in the world and proven by everyone that it does work. Given enough time (8 years).

    Big cuts to the companies and the rich. Creates more money for the company to expand and grow through profits and investments. The expansion and growth creates jobs. Jobs create disposable income for more purchases. That goes into profits for more expansion and growth.

    More purchases creates more taxable sales. More profits and expansion means that the companies prior size taxes would be collected. Tax credits for the high taxed classes can be implemented. Creating more disposable income.

    Companies cannot pocket the cash because it will be taxed at a higher rate.

    By the way. Kerry is democrate. Bush is Republican.

    Who did you want us to vote for?

  • bnorton17th September, 2004

    Whew! LA Dealer -- I have a feeling that creditsolutions was just trying to provoke conversation, and he did just that! LA, I agree with everything you said, and thank you for serving. I doubt credit solutions was serious, nor do I really think he has the liberal/communist philosophy he purports to have. Any thinking person in this country, especially ones with entrepreneurial spirit knows if Kerry wins we truly will go down the toilet, not to mention be forced to learn French or Arabic depending on who he surrenders to.

    Just in the off chance that creditsolutions was actually serious, Yes, I am better off now than I was 4 years ago. I have more money, and am safer than I was 4 years ago. I am also one of the unemployed who earns a nice income, and contributes to the economy, and the community without using public assistance.

    Other than that, I will be following creditsolutions advice and shall vote Republican.

    [ Edited by bnorton on Date 09/17/2004 ][ Edited by bnorton on Date 09/17/2004 ]

  • SavvyYoungster17th September, 2004

    LOL, REI has gone political. Regardless of your opinions, most the people on these boards are better off than 4 years ago and will continue to be no matter who is president. The creative investor isn't waiting around for the government to give opportunity, we make our own opportunities.

  • kenmax17th September, 2004

    well said la i totally agree. i know several that serve and there worst fear is kerry as pres.

  • bottomlinejohn17th September, 2004

    Glad there are some that have common sense on this thread. My daughter graduate of SF state and her liberal freinds were down a few week ends ago and told me they were voting for Kerry because of the enviormental issues. Needless to say I questioned her as to where she got the 65K that helped me pay for her BA degree. After we did a lesson in economics, she might have changed her mind. Did she think that Kerry/Fonda and the terriots would be interested in her trees and other issues that most single minded liberals and Dems. think about. We were attacked on our soil and lost over 3000 lives and Most of them would like for us to wait until the next attack. I think maybe Edwards might file a lawsuit against them. Bush may not be the best but at least you know where you stand not with a wishes, washie flip-floper like Kerry. What has he done during all this time in the senate. Even other senators don't like him.
    My own daughter is as stupid as a bucket of nails and her friends. My other daughter who has been out in the work place for about 10, years and having to pay her own way and has had a real waking up now that she is paying her way, Taxes etc.
    She also knows that if Kerry were to be elected, Capital gains will go up 10%. Excuse me for getting so heated up but, what that Kerry is doing is an insult to every veteren and I can understand why his crowds are getting smaller and he will proably flip/flop again

  • bnorton17th September, 2004


    You sure got to the bottom line on this one. I tried to tone down my sarcasm in my last post, but it was difficult. You can probably tell I revised it a couple of times. Your post shows me there is indeed hope for the left coast :-o I was thinking though that if he did get elected, that I might venture into the shoe business. I would make flip-flops with his face on them. I figured they would sell well, but then again, he would probably tax the profit right out again.

    The fact is that there are some things I disagree with President Bush on. But I have a deep respect for the man. He is a man of his convictions, and he doesn't waiver. My future is much brighter with him in office than with Kerry. But then again, I don't believe the government owes me a living.

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