Pilates? Anyone Here Ever Try It?

InActive_Account profile photo

Is it expensive? Does it work? One-on-one training with instructor?

Guess I'm tired of the health club or Curves set up.

General thoughts?



  • InActive_Account24th July, 2004

    might work never tried it. I cant imagine doing it in a class with other people though. Except if the women are really hot.

  • SKHunter24th July, 2004

    Buy the tapes, It works! It is sort of yoga like and it is relaxing as well.

  • newcreation11th August, 2004

    I have the entire Mari Winsor pilates 5-video set, and I love it. It works very quickly. Some of the exercises are too hard to do at first, but there is a modified version of each exercise shown, which still create benefit until you're strong enough to do the real exercise. You just need a good exercise mat and plenty of space.

  • clegg11th August, 2004

    I didn't know Pilates was for guys as well. Unless you are not a guy and you...swing on both sides. Otherwise, I have never seen guys do it. Maybe its just my gym. Or guys don't do it in public.


    On 2004-07-24 13:43, senatorcbp2 wrote:
    might work never tried it. I cant imagine doing it in a class with other people though. Except if the women are really hot.

  • realagent11th August, 2004

    I agree with you on this one. Pilates was invented by a guy but I wouldn't admit to doing such a thing.
    Personal trainer? Why? All they do is charge you for somthing you can learn yourself. I know there are some good ones but I dont use them. If you need one, offer to pay him or her 1/10th of what they are charging. If they really want to help people get in shape they should go for it. If not, find one who will. I think in some states they have made a license needed for this. All thier talk about being healthy...most of them sneek in a high fat snack at least once a week! I say educate yourself on fitness and shame on those who dare charge a fee for thier expertise!
    Does that rant sound familiar?

  • newcreation11th August, 2004

    On one of the Mari Winsor videos, there is a guy demonstrating the exercises, but I can see why it seems more like it is meant for women. The exercises definitely target areas that are of concern to women. There are no chest or arm exercises, only stomach and leg.


  • InActive_Account16th August, 2004

    I also have the Mari Winsor pilates . Its www.great.It gets your core/stomach strong. I do the 20 mins one 3-4 times a week.
    Also , abs of steel and taebo. As for the pilates, not only does it work the stomach,it also brought in the love handles on the back.

    As for the guys--if you prefer your pride over your gut. Well,thats a personal choice. I do my pilates alone b/c I think there are funny motions too. I'm a female, and I still do it. I don't think it makes you more feminine if you want a six pack though. I guess there are other ways you guys would be more comfortable with.

  • outerbanksrealtor17th August, 2004

    I take pilates classes at the local Y, so it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. It does work; it really stretches your muscles. I like the classroom over videos, because it motivates me to work harder. The instructors explain everything as they do it and check on your form to make sure you're doing it correctly. I don't think a personal instructor is necessary.

  • tinkabout17th August, 2004

    I'm confused, is this a health forum, or an investors forum.....can we stick to what were all here for..... Real Estate?
    Thanks :-o

  • Powerlifter17th August, 2004

    Hi Tompa, I think pilates is a great way to exercise for both men and women. I lift weights and have found a pilates workout inbetween days off from the weights is a perfect combination. Keeps you very limber and stretched out and involves all the muscles. You can also do it in the privacy of your own home .You should try it !

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