Context Is Important!

RayLT profile photo

It simply shows your bias when you only show one side. If you explained the things Kerry voted for and just highlighted those you didn't like it would be considered more than someone pounding his chest and saying look how evil he is!

Neither candidate is completely right or wrong. Both are good men. Both have good wives and families. Even Kerry's EX endorsed him! LOL!

If you could open your eyes to more than black or white or quite literally the black & white issues of race even, then you would be more credible.

In our country, more great legislative bills fail because of the pork tacted on than the original bill itself. In election years, some bills are only submitted as a ploy to use politically. An example is the armor for our military. Yes the Republicans had a good bill, albeit late, but then dumped crap all over it and dared the Democrats to pass it or reject it. Either way, the Democrats would look bad. (The Democrats have done the same thing too!)

To me it isn't about party lines it is about the people! Until our people get really concerned about issues instead of rhetoric, then the status quo continues.

So I ask this simple question, if our military needs more armor, then why don't they have it? If the Dems voted against it and he Republicans have the majority then why doesn't our military have the armor?

Yes you guessed it! It is political and not real!!! These Republican leaders are more concerned about being right and politically connected that even something as simple as ARMOR for our military is not being sent when it is clearly a unamimous issue we all agree on.

So think about what you are saying! You have influence, why not use it to convey the real truth and not either party line.


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