myfrogger profile photo

Let me be the first on TCI to congratulate Mr. Bush on a campaign well done and it is nice to see that we will give the president another four more years to accomplish his goals for America.


  • berjancollin3rd November, 2004

    Congratulations to Mr. Bush!
    Billions of (our) dollars later: 100,000 iraqi civilians and 1200 of our american kids slaughtered. Osama smiling on video. Iran and N.Korea building nukes while we are watching. Brilliant! Now, let's go get them..too

  • davezora3rd November, 2004

    Congratulations Mr Bush.
    Now you can go about the business of finishing the job you started.
    1. Lets shoot for say, another 10,000 of our soldiers to die over the next 4 years in Iraq. And lets reinstate the draft , which will make it much easier to accomplish this goal.
    2. Lets cancel any existing plans we have for reconstruction in Iraq and just give Halliburton the company checkbook and let them have at it.
    3. Lets revisit your 2000 promise that you would get the middle east to open up those oil spigots so the price of gasoline can get to atleast $5.00 a gallon. Afterall, most Americans have too much disposable income as it is.
    4. Lets increase the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, because the rest of this country certainly owes that to them.
    5. Lets see what can be done about getting those health care insurance premiums up to atleast $1000.00 per month, so the middle class will forget about the high cost of gasoline.
    6. Lets increase those tax breaks for companies who outsource jobs to foreign countries, so we can finally silence these whining, moaning middle class "pain in the asses" who would actually prefer to be out of work.
    7. Lets finish with this nonsense of finding Osama Bin Laden. Lets concentrate on more important things, like finding those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that we all know are hiding over there somewhere.
    8. And finally, lets see what we can do about getting that deficit higher.

  • honii3rd November, 2004

    Well said, davezora! I couldn't have said it better..

  • kenmax3rd November, 2004

    the nation has spoken. they do not want to be taxed to dealth by democratic socialism......go bush......wins by popular vote.

  • realestateeagle3rd November, 2004

    Time was when we all agreed to disagree in a spirited - not nasty or dirty - debate and when the election was over and decided - or at least inevitable - we shook hands and rallied around our new or reelected president. These last two election campaigns have certainly changed that!!

    Congratulations, President Bush!!

    Now let's get on with the business of the country - together. Let's not help outsiders in their quest to destroy our country and our lifestyle.

  • NC_Yank3rd November, 2004

    Americans have sent a message to the democrats...........we dont want a two face liar in office. (laugh)

    There is much hoopla over these silly provisional ballots of Ohio (my old stomping grounds) however there are very few media outlets making the point that military ballots would offset votes made by "Donald Duck, Michael Jackson, Tom Thumb, convicted felons"....and the rest of those that make up the so called provisional ballots.

    Just as the democrats made "soccer moms" mad in 2000.......this year they evidently got the christian women riled up......Bush picked up 80% of their vote. When will they learn not to make women mad........most of us men have learned such lessons. (laugh)

    They also need to learn that when conservative christians come together, as evident with their large turn out numbers......they are a voice to be recogned with.

    Now ratings on news anchors / stations....

    Peter Jennings......I rate worst....his bias is worse then that of Dan Rather.

    Dan Rather comes in a #2 Democrat Crony.............I found it strange and that something was amiss when his station was originally the quickest "project" votes in the early to mid stages.......but was it was evident that the dems were hurting.......poor Dan Blather was coming up with scenarios in which the Dems could win.........almost to the point that pigs can fly too.

    Fox did the best......they appeared to have the best anylst (although all exit polls we a joke) and more unbiased reporting.

    Tom Brokaw would mimick Fox with a 30 minute delay.

    Now the next crap we will hear is how America is divided and how can we come together.

    Excuse me but to the victor belongs the spoils...........if the republican are smart then they kick the dems to the curb and go with what the majority of America wants..........less government and less taxes.

    Now.......lets get on with what we do best.......REI.


  • SolutionsKid3rd November, 2004

    Hate to be the one who burst the bubble all the time, but I'm guessing that two of the places you would have thought voted for Bush, did not.

    D.C. & New York

    Does not register with any of you that the place where Bush runs the country, the place senators, lawyers, and policians roam voted for Kerry 90% to 10%!

    And the simple fact that the place where all of this started, the place who was behind Bush in the first place, the place who has had the most tradegy to deal, the place where all the families were lost...VOTED FOR KERRY with a 10% margin.

    Those two places easily show how some of the most intelligent people and some of the most hurt people and affected people in this country voted. The rest in my opinion voted off of pure fear and "Americana" based sensationalism.

    I'm a southern boy born and raised and frankily the non-intelligent mentallity of some of my southern counterparts does not help our "dumber than a bag of rocks" image. Before you pick up your sweet tea and biscuits this morning, think real closely about the people who were hurt the most by this and think real carefully why they voted for Kerry or more importantly why they DIDN'T vote for Bush. Because unless you forgot, they are closer to the truth and reality of all of our freedoms, safety, and this war than any of us.


  • rmdane20003rd November, 2004

    Anybody that thinks this election isn't over is just crazy...its over...i'm ready for a seperate political forum that doesn't show up in the topics 'n comments thing on the main page... smile

    Congrats Mr. President, sorry Senator Kerry, please make yourself look somewhat respectable and concede so all the crazy liberals will get on with their lives and quit with the conspiracy theories...

  • Sunre3rd November, 2004

    Alexlev, You must concede...do the math it's easy.

    Berjancollin, Please remind us again exactly what happened, and exactly why it happened, and exactly what was done about it? Because your simplistic view doesn't even scratch the surface. What exactly are you talking about. The truth now, not mumbo jumbo.

    Davezora, Your mentality is what the rest of the US is trying to overcome. Please get some material about the truth of the Bush administration, the government, the world, and all the economic, socialistic, etc., etc., etc., that goes with it. Statements like that do nothing to change anything that is wrong. What do you have to contribute? I can't hear you.

    Solutionskid, The solution to this would be to look at what type and culture of people live there that voted. I don't think we would be talking about this then. Politicians want more government, thats how they get paid. Poor people want someone that promises less taxes, but they never took the time or had the means to learn that this economic plan can not work in the real world. SOMEONE has to fund all the government programs. Who are the most someones in the US. That's right, the middle class. Okay then.

    We could go on and on, but the truth of the matter is, BUSH has the MAJORITY vote. That's right, most of the people have spoken. So get over it and do the right thing. Stand up for America. If you didn't want Bush in, then you should have done more for Kerry. Apparently, those who wanted BUSH in, did what they needed to do to get there.

  • SavvyYoungster3rd November, 2004

    On 2004-11-03 08:04, davezora wrote:
    Congratulations Mr Bush.
    Now you can go about the business of finishing the job you started.
    1. Lets shoot for say, another 10,000 of our soldiers to die over the next 4 years in Iraq. And lets reinstate the draft , which will make it much easier to accomplish this goal.
    2. Lets cancel any existing plans we have for reconstruction in Iraq and just give Halliburton the company checkbook and let them have at it.
    3. Lets revisit your 2000 promise that you would get the middle east to open up those oil spigots so the price of gasoline can get to atleast $5.00 a gallon. Afterall, most Americans have too much disposable income as it is.
    4. Lets increase the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, because the rest of this country certainly owes that to them.
    5. Lets see what can be done about getting those health care insurance premiums up to atleast $1000.00 per month, so the middle class will forget about the high cost of gasoline.
    6. Lets increase those tax breaks for companies who outsource jobs to foreign countries, so we can finally silence these whining, moaning middle class "pain in the asses" who would actually prefer to be out of work.
    7. Lets finish with this nonsense of finding Osama Bin Laden. Lets concentrate on more important things, like finding those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that we all know are hiding over there somewhere.
    8. And finally, lets see what we can do about getting that deficit higher.

    Wow, all this propaganda and your guy still didn't win. Hmm. I guess we're not fooled.

  • SavvyYoungster3rd November, 2004

    This election was a referrendum on the democratic party. We defeated their presidental candidate, added seats to both the house and the senate and kicked out Democratic leadership Tom Daschle.

    The Democratics are in shambles and will need some serious "realigning" if they plan on beating Rudy in '08. Meanwhile, the Republican control of the house will mean that we will get the judges we want and shape the nation according to the Repulican platform. By and large, this is what the people want.

  • davehays3rd November, 2004

    to the people who say Bush won, you are lying


    250k votes to be counted still, and Kerry is only down 135k in Ohio!!!!!!!

    Read on....

  • rmdane20003rd November, 2004

    Kerry just conceded...I guess we were right.

  • SavvyYoungster3rd November, 2004

    On 2004-11-03 10:50, davehays wrote:
    to the people who say Bush won...<snip>

    You might want to check with your candidate, who just conceded.

    Congratulation, George Bush.

    Veritas vos Liberabit
    [ Edited by SavvyYoungster on Date 11/03/2004 ]

  • quark23063rd November, 2004

    On 2004-11-03 09:19, SolutionsKid wrote:
    Hate to be the one who burst the bubble all the time, but I'm guessing that two of the places you would have thought voted for Bush, did not.

    D.C. & New York

    Why would this suprise anyone? They did not vote Bush in the 2000 election either. These are traditional Democratic stronghold areas. They almost never vote Republican.

  • jblackwell3rd November, 2004

    Folks -

    Regardless of who won - half of America (never mind the world) was bound to wake up this morning swearing that the world was going to Hades in a bucket. It's not. If Kerry had won, it would not be either. Our country is filled with at least two general kinds of people.

    Some prefer to live by a code of principles (often based on religion, although not necessarily so...) and some prefer to base their decisions on raw intellect and hence will change from situation to situation. Hence the term "situational ethics". The principle-driven folks will swear that the situation-driven folks are pimps for whatever thing appears to be current at the time, while the situational folks view the principle driven folks as right wing nut jobs. Neither is totally correct, but like most stereotypes, just correct enough to cause a rift.

    Perhaps instead of calling each other names, we'd do better to tone down the rhetoric and take a lesson from each other's pont of view. We need some flexibility, as the situational ethics types will remind us - that said, some principles need to be stuck with no matter what..

    Today the folks who are for Kerry (or just against Bush) are likely reeling a little from it all. Rubbing salt in the wound does no one any good. Likewise, just because a few more Americans felt that Bush was the right move, doesn't make them "ignorant Southern hick nutball a-holes". They just see life differently from you. Maybe we should each walk in each others' shoes for a while???


  • rmdane20003rd November, 2004

    Well Jeff, i'm guessing you don't listen to Glenn Beck? LoL! He is having his Gloat party or something today...LOL...there are always winners and losers, winners will celebrate, losers will wine. Its just the way things are.

  • bnorton3rd November, 2004

    GO BUSH!!!!! :-D

  • Taxivestor3rd November, 2004

    Is it true that Hilary is in an exceptionally happy mood this morning? grin

  • joshuamalachi3rd November, 2004

    On 2004-11-03 08:04, davezora wrote:
    Congratulations Mr Bush.
    Now you can go about the business of finishing the job you started.
    1. Lets shoot for say, another 10,000 of our soldiers to die over the next 4 years in Iraq. And lets reinstate the draft , which will make it much easier to accomplish this goal.
    2. Lets cancel any existing plans we have for reconstruction in Iraq and just give Halliburton the company checkbook and let them have at it.
    3. Lets revisit your 2000 promise that you would get the middle east to open up those oil spigots so the price of gasoline can get to atleast $5.00 a gallon. Afterall, most Americans have too much disposable income as it is.
    4. Lets increase the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, because the rest of this country certainly owes that to them.
    5. Lets see what can be done about getting those health care insurance premiums up to atleast $1000.00 per month, so the middle class will forget about the high cost of gasoline.
    6. Lets increase those tax breaks for companies who outsource jobs to foreign countries, so we can finally silence these whining, moaning middle class "pain in the asses" who would actually prefer to be out of work.
    7. Lets finish with this nonsense of finding Osama Bin Laden. Lets concentrate on more important things, like finding those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that we all know are hiding over there somewhere.
    8. And finally, lets see what we can do about getting that deficit higher.

    there are a couple issues that I voted for bush on. I own a small business, and know enought to realize that closing tax loopholes for company's who outsource jobs wouldn't really help a damn thing.....why you ask? because even with paying the taxes, it's still cheaper overseas. When america wants to start working for $2.00 a day, or raise the import tax, thats when jobs will stay here.

    The democrats want to raise the minimum wage. Why in the hell would you do this? as a small business owner, I know it just pushes inflation up. In all reality, people who push for a higher minimum wage just pay for their own raise forcing everyone to raise prices. How could that create better paying jobs when (in my opinion based on my business), a higher minimum wage would cause a lot of jobs to be lost. (not to mention the EXTRA tax money the govt. makes) Is this how the kerry camp was planning on paying for things? give you more money so they can take more away...hmm.....kinda shady to me.

    and about "KIDS" dying in iraq, they signed up for a voluntary military, expecting military action. I've got friends and family there, and ironically enough, none of them really give a damn what the liberals think or say.

    Mr. Bush Won....point blank. We now all need to support what's going on, not just the troops in iraq, but the president, congress and the like. Want lower health costs, push for the medical savings accounts,

    call your state rep. or senator and support the a national sales tax opposed to the IRS. I don't know about you, but I could do with less paperwork.

    GO BUSH!! (at he'll lay the smackdown when he needs to)

  • kenmax3rd November, 2004

    go bush!..................km

  • NYRE3rd November, 2004


    U said it best

  • mattfish113rd November, 2004

    My 2 cents...

    I think this country is dividing itself because of the recent controversy of political figures...

    We, as a country, have to stand together and be AMERICANS. We have to support our troops even though we might not believe it is the BEST way to go about doing things. Our troops hearing us, as Americans, say that they don't belong there is counterproductive... It makes them feel that the people of their home country, for whom they are fighting for, do not support and appreciate what they are doing for us!!!

    We need to support our leaders and support our troops...

    Remember, UNITED WE STAND...

  • wide_awake3rd November, 2004

    Congratulations to the President!

    As for those who are still bitter about the fact that people have actually died in the execution of a war, I would advise them to quietly slink away into the ignorant darkness from whence they came. Good grief! The people who are doing the fighting, bleeding, and dying overwhelmingly support both the President and the operations in Iraq.

    The anti-war folks are a disgrace to freedom because they will not defend it. Their own freedom to speak such idiocy was purchased by the blood of better men; a sacrifice they themselves are unwilling to make. Blood is the price of freedom and any assertion to the contrary flies in the face of common sense, human nature, and history.

  • soontobe3rd November, 2004

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I have viewed these forums and chat topic for a few months. I have came to the conclusion that the all around wisdom and know how of the collection of investors is amazing and addicting. I would to consider myself as an inspiring investor seeking complete financial freedom.

    Now that you have an idea of the reason I am here. I would like to offer my comment concerning Pres Bush. I am an Active Duty Marine and would like to publicize the fact that our younger generation is doing an outstanding job against terrorism and providing a safer enviroment for our next generation. Even though I cannot agree with the success rate of our Commander in Chief on every underlining topic. I know that our success in Iraq and other countries is being hindered by the negative aspects of the War.
    I have known leaders that have visited injured military members in our military hospitals and have dealt with the loss of limbs and even greater injuries. One thing has been a common trend among all. They have all asked when they can return to combat to finish their mission. They have seen it from the front lines and have seen the good it has bought the majority of the helpless people of these countries.
    I believe no President enjoys planning for War, however the the one's that make their mark in history make the choice that at times is the unpopular one. I have no intention on initiating a debate or upsetting anyone and thier personal views, however from the cheap seats that I sit in, the President was handed a full plate and has tried to focus on the priorities in order to ellaborate on life's simplier things this term.

    "Health Care, Taxes, Jobs, Marital/Sexual Preferences are nothing if were not living.


  • JohnLocke3rd November, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    Semper Fi

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • davezora3rd November, 2004

    Just for the record...I DO support our troops and will continue to do so until the day every last one of them comes home safely. I DON'T agree with the reasoning why we went to war and the manner in which we continue to fight it. And for everyone that interprets that as my being unpatriotic, I will only say, that just because some knucklehead decides we should go to war because it is in the best interests of big business doesn't mean it is in the best interests of this country or it's citizens. My son is in the air force reserves and is scheduled to head to Iraq in January. I will pray to keep him safe along with all the other troops over there. Does this mean, I should just sit by and accept the ineptitude of many of the people who get to arbitrarily send these kids off to fight this war? I'll support our troops, and I'll line up behind our president as long as he is in office. But do me a favor. Don't brand me and anyone else that disagrees with the current affairs of this administration as being unpatriotic because we take issue with the way things are done.
    And for NC Yank... Obviously, being a two faced liar isn't that big a deal,, or Bush wouldn't have won reelection.

  • cwal3rd November, 2004

    Solutions Kid & Dave Hayes...get a grip...quit watching CNN & the other Liberal media that pulled the wool over the people's eyes fo 50 + yrs. The people have finally began to realize just how crooked the Democrat party is & how all their "dirty tricks" failed in this election...They need to get in line with the majority of the country & show loyalty to the U.S.A. for a change...gbt the U.S.A....CWal...(from Tennessee)

  • bnorton3rd November, 2004

    Solutions & Dave,

    With age and experience comes knowledge and wisdom. As you get older, you will understand why this was such an important election, and why it went the way it did. Most young people agree with your points of view, and it has been that way since the beginning of man. You have a lot of passion in what you say. It is my hope that as you get older and wiser, that you are still passionate about what you will then believe instead of letting that passion dwindle into cynicism.

    To soontobe, and JohnLocke, thank you for serving.

  • cwal3rd November, 2004

    bnorton...Amen brother..."age is a wonderful thing"...CWal

  • Dlove3rd November, 2004

    aquazomb that is what cost Kerry the election is people who think like yourself. Just because people don't think the way you do you assume we're all a bunch of dumb hillbillies. Well I guess there is a lot of them because Bush got more votes than any other president in history. So you and liberal friends keep on name calling us or giving us labels because we don't agree with you while enjoy this victory. The people have spoken my friend.

  • aquazomb3rd November, 2004

    alright, I'm just having some fun, relax.


    although you have to take that statistic with a grain of salt; the reason why he won with more votes is because there are proportionately more people in the country now that there were 15 years ago. That stat doesn't mean a thing.

    He won. that's all that matters.

    best of luck to him, and our country.

  • jeff120023rd November, 2004

    Not that it means anything, but my opinion is that slightly less than half of the people in this country need to stop whining, and slightly more than half need to stop gloating. We should all celebrate the process that just took place.
    Write to your representatives in the Congress and the Senate. Let them know that you want them to support (or not support) Bills based on their merit, (or lack of it) and not based on which party the author is from. Let's get good things done, and stop adding junk to good Bills in an effort to get something passed that couldn't pass on it's own.

    We're not, I hope as different as it seems sometimes. We are America, and America is the greatest country in the world. Let's act like it!

  • aquazomb3rd November, 2004


    well said. There's an adult among us...


  • bnorton3rd November, 2004


    I have a new found respect for you. I expected your comment about the ho down. I did not expect your comments that followed. I am impressed.

    Now, about that ho down. Dem jugs ya ordered. Wer day fer drinkin' or fer playin'? WEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAA!

  • aquazomb3rd November, 2004


    c'mon boy!

    them jugs is fo' playin'! I"m a' hiding the drinkin' jugs under the mobile home...

    I'll bring the washboard, you bring the tub bass...

    Just bustin' chops. C'mon. we're all Americans, and we're all in this together. Battle's over. We've got to get in line behind our guy now.

  • bnorton3rd November, 2004


    You are correct about needing balance, and our entire system of government was designed specifically to ensure that balance. The way your post reads, it sounds like you are upset about what happened yesterday. Now, you have to understand, I am a conservative republican, so I am pretty happy about the result. But what is most impressive about what happened yesterday is not that GW won. The most impressive thing about yesterday was that people were willing to, and often did, stand in lines for 9 hours so they could be a part of the political process. That is huge! The fact that we do that, and change leaders without bloodshed is fairly unique in the world, and part of what makes the USA the greatest country on the globe.

    Your comment about neither conservatives or liberals having all the answers is correct as well. Lets take a controversial subject as an example. Conservatives typically like to call themselves, "Pro Life." Yet, the overwhelming majority of them believe in the death penalty. Liberals typically like to call themselves, "Pro Choice," giving the mother the right to choose whether a new human being has the right to live or not. Lately, that choice has even included infants who can survive outside the womb. Yet that new life does not have a choice. Killing humans who are not a threat to society (even if they were at one time) is either right or wrong. But you cannot have it both ways. Yet both sides want it both ways.

    I am very happy that our country is more conservative than liberal. It gives me hope. It is my hope that one day we will not be arguing about whether or not it is right to kill another human being who poses no threat to us. It is my hope that one day we will not be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars creating laws that are unenforceable. It is my hope that the mores of our society will again be sufficient to answer these problems for us. Because where mores are sufficient, laws are unnecessary. Where mores are insufficient, laws are unenforceable. If I remember right that was first stated by Descartes, but truer words have never been spoken.[ Edited by bnorton on Date 11/03/2004 ]

  • aquazomb3rd November, 2004


    you're a good sport (funny too!)...

    take care, and be safe---

    your liberal wiener,


  • davehays4th November, 2004

    congrats to the neocons


    make sure to turn your audio off, some people don't like certain kinds of music, and there is an audio track

    look like a Boeing 757 to you? still happy you voted for these folks?

  • results_one4th November, 2004


    Your points are very well taken, actually it is one of the most articulate posts I have read on this subject so far. All I ask is that if we disagree we do it in a way that helps the other side try to see your point of view without personal attacks---and you did that quite well.
    I may not totally agree with all of the views of your party , but I see where you are coming from.


  • NC_Yank5th November, 2004

    On 2004-11-03 15:38, davezora wrote:
    Just for the record.... My son is in the air force reserves and is scheduled to head to Iraq in January. I will pray to keep him safe along with all the other troops over there..... Does this mean, I should just sit by and accept the ineptitude of many of the people who get to arbitrarily send these kids off to fight this war? I'll support our troops, and I'll line up behind our president as long as he is in office. But do me a favor. Don't brand me and anyone else that disagrees with the current affairs of this administration as being unpatriotic because we take issue with the way things are done.

    And for NC Yank... Obviously, being a two faced liar isn't that big a deal,, or Bush wouldn't have won reelection.

    If Bush is a two faced liar, then what int he world has Kerry been all his life. Same goes with Edwards.

    Bush won reelection because the MAJORITY of the people believe in him.
    They believe he has our country's best interest at heart........unlike Kerry and Edwards who had their own agenda.

    But its all a moot point now that Pres. Bush has won. (smile)

    What is more important that we pray for our troops.........and Im not just giving lip sync to that statement. Everyday I lift up in prayer all of our men and women in the military as well as our elected leaders.

    I commend your son for the courage it take to put action to his beliefs.

    I pray that God will bring him safely back to you and God will give you peace as well while he is gone.


  • 4KASH5th November, 2004

    How quickly they forget

    “Congratulations Mr Bush. ... Lets shoot for say, another 10,000 of our soldiers to die over the next 4 years in Iraq. And lets reinstate the draft , which will make it much easier to accomplish this goal.”

    Hey davezora,
    Where were you when you when Saddam was butchering hundreds of thousands of human beings?

    "We've already discovered just so far the remains of 400,000 people in mass graves," said British Prime Minister Tony Blair on November 20 in London.” If these numbers prove accurate, they represent a crime against humanity surpassed only by the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Pol Pot's Cambodian killing fields in the 1970s, and the Nazi Holocaust of World War II.


    Let me remind all those who oppose war, the freedom you enjoy right now is largely the result of war. Remember our Revolution? Consider the scenarios if we had lost that war. How about WW1? How about WW2? What would the US look like? It wouldn’t even exist.

  • alexlev5th November, 2004

    Obviously, if anything in our history had occurred differently than how we now know it, today's world would be different in some way. No one knows exactly how.

    But let's also be clear when we do discuss history. WWI had nothing to do with American independence. And it could certainly be argued that if the leaders of the US, UK, and France had been more intelligent and global-minded in WWI, rather than vindictive and ethno-centric, WWII could have been avoided.

    Hindsight is always 20/20. And it's much easier to judge from the sidelines. But it is our duty as citizens and active members of our society to question the motivation and actions of our leaders, regardless of anyone's political affiliations. Anyone who accuses others of being un-patriotic or un-American because they are demanding to know the truth and questioning our leader's actions, are themselves demonstrating the very signs of totalitarianism and dictatorial rule that as Americas we always claim to abhor.

  • davezora5th November, 2004


    I realize Saddam Hussein murdered many thousands of his country's people. However, we as citizens of this United States were told we needed to go to war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein posed an immediate threat to the security of our country as well as the rest of the civilized world because of his possession of WMD's. As it turns out, that was not the case. So in my mind, while he was a mass murdering SOB , he posed very little if any threat to our security. In reality, he was a great poker player who ran a bluff on us and the rest of this planet. If I understand your logic correctly, then we will be very busy over the next 4 years righting all the wrongs being perpetrated around the world. I'm just not sure this country needs or should be the judge, jury and executioner for all of these attrocities. Remember this, president Bush, vice president Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld told the American people that the Iraqis would welcome us with flowers and song once we toppled Saddam.
    ANYONE, that knows anything at all about the middle east could have told you that was a farce. So either, this administration had no clue about what would actually happen over there, or rather, they did, and just decided to spoon feed us this to pacify us. Either way, it isn't something that warms the cockles of my heart.
    Now we are commited there and we must get the job finished, because there is no other viable exit strategy . But that doesn't mean I or anyone else doesn't have the right to question these types of things from our leaders when it becomes clear that what they claimed, wasn't the reality of the situation. But then, that's just my opinion.

    Thank you. My sentiments exactly. I have never and will never, blindly accept the logic by our leaders, when they place our nation in the position that we currently find ourselves. Republican or Democratic administration, matters not. Anyone that believes this country is safer now because we deposed Saddam Hussein, is truly discounting the fact that our nation and all of it's citizens are truly hated throughout the entire middle east. And that, will more than likely increase the possibilities that we will suffer future attacks against our country. Just because someone tells me it is so, does not necessarily make it true. And for anyone that believes that way of thinking is unpatriotic, seems a bit hypocritical to me.

  • perfecto5th November, 2004

    It amazes me how incredibly gullible partisans from both sides are and have been in this election.

    Four super-rich contenders, two from each party.

    Who won? The same folks who always win. The rich.

    The difference this time was they finally decided to nominate a few of their own actual membership. Not that unusual really. It's more surpsising these days when someone like Bill Clinton, who wasn't very wealthy at the time, manages to win the election. Then again look at who supported him and Bob Dole. The super-rich know how to hedge their bets.

    There is a lesson here. If you can't beat them...join them.

    Isn't that why we're all here?

  • dlitedan5th November, 2004

    Its just so easy to say how well kerry would have done and how bad bush is doing when you dont win. now the liberals will sit back and let everybody know how much better the world would be IF kerry would of been elected, its just so easy. Sometimes I think I would of liked kerry to win just so we could see how bad for this country he would of been. but there is one thing only that stops me from really wanting that. because the election of kerry would of ment more than higher taxes, homosexuals running rampant in the streets, people having unprotected sex just because they know they can have an abortion anytime they want, and all the other issues kerry supports. it would mean my life. to have a war hating girly man "lets all hold hands and be one" type of president jeopordizes the safety of me and my family. and although I would love to watch as your tan pretty little rich boy run us into the ground, its not worth my life. so we will see all you crazy liberals in 4 years. I hear the dems are planning a major re-adjustment of the party because even they know how terrible they are. and although I will miss our little chats, all I need to do is turn on jerry springer to see illogic lunatics. so I bid thee farewell and thanks for the race, it wasnt even close.

  • rajwarrior5th November, 2004

    Ladies and gentlemen, here is the bottom line:

    The election is over. Whether you like it or not, Bush won, and will be the US President for another four years.

    Now it's time to be good American citizens and support the country, it's people, it's President, and most importantly it's real estate investors.

    This topic is going to get locked (and likely any similiar that follow) because I'm tired of my email box getting filled with "Being an idiot" reports.


  • JohnLocke5th November, 2004


    Throw away the key, this thread is one who's time has come.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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