Bring Back The Soldiers From Irak

jaimechacon profile photo

Back in 1991 my son was pull out of college, and sent to kuwait, by Bush father, Now Bush son, is sending a group of soldiers who will fight a urban guerrilla war with a lot of losses in Irak, is easy for him to be a macho talk, since he is not in the front.
My son came back, and 2 years later, he lost both kidneys, the goverment claimed that there were not chemicals in the air, I gave him, one kidney, now he has to work 2 jobs to be able to provide for his family, he does not received any help from the goverment, and by the way he never went back to school.
thanks you, father with one kidney :-( [ Edited by jaimechacon on Date 10/05/2004 ]


  • joshuamalachi5th October, 2004

    ok.....I have just a few problems with your post......

    1. our military is completely voluntary, if your son didn't want to do anything in the military, why did he join? from my understanding, people who join expect some kind of military action while in the military........never mind that the bush's have sent the MILITARY to do MILITARY type work......are you paying them to stand around? I suppose if you were in charge, you'd dismantle the military wouldn't you? I mean, who needs it? sheesh......

    1.5. your son got pulled out of college that the military was paying for? hmmm....wasn't he paying the military by serving?

    2. Irak is spelled Iraq....with a Q........I can tell we're dealing with a person who knows what they're talking about here....

    3. Bush is the commander of the military, the voluntary military that people sign up for.......READ THAT RIGHT.....VOLUNTARY!

    4. he lost 2 kidneys during military service that he signed up for. daddy bush didn't make him. But luckily, you were able to help, and you can live on 1.

    5. It's not that I'm not sympathetic to his situation b/c I am. But the govt (as far as I know) didn't make him not go back to school....and there must be a reason why he didn't. would you care to tell us why he didn't? did he get a girl pregnant and couldn't go back? hmm......

    and the funny thing is....mostly what you're talking about happened during the clinton years.......he was elected in 1992 you know. are you saying clinton is at fault.....for some reason miss that *8* read that correct...*8* years.....that your son worked 2 jobs to support his family.

    to sum this up....your son joined a VOLUNTARY military that paid for his college. he had to work 2 jobs to support his family, and you blame it on the bush's. how can that possibly be BOTH bush's fault.....if either?

    just like most kerry're voting for him b/c he's not bush.......

    everyone seems to forget that bush had to handle the most tragic event in USA history with 9/11, and while his administration is doing what it takes for it to not happen again, you cry for change.

    In this brief moment in time....change is the worst thing that could happen. If kerry does get elected.......Pray. If you thought 9/11 was bad.....I feel it could get a lot uglier.

  • Leatherneck5th October, 2004

    First, let me thank your son for going in the first place. Military life is not easy and war sucks. Second, I want to say you have big **Please See My Profile** for donating your kidney to your son. I recently donated a kidney to a friend and it hurt. A lot. I feel your pain. Third, I didn't get to go to Desert Storm, but my brother did and he hasnt been the same physically since. You cant tell me all that burning oil didn't do something to the vets. Your a good guy and I hope your son is feeling better because of your sacrafice.

  • loanwizard5th October, 2004

    just like most kerry're voting for him b/c he's not bush.......

    At least you didn't say anything about flip flopping... for that I thank you. And I am voting for John Kerry, not because he isn't Bush although that's a fair enough reason, but because I believe he has a better plan to end this fiasco, as well as better plans for the economy and the health care in this country, where it is as sorely needed, if not more, than ridding the world of tyranny at our sole cost... Oh, wait.... Britain and uh, Poland are in it with us.

    everyone seems to forget that bush had to handle the most tragic event in USA history with 9/11, and while his administration is doing what it takes for it to not happen again, you cry for change.

    I would argue that the Civil War was more tragic than 911 based upon fathers killing sons and brothers killing brothers. Yes 911 was tragic..... yet.... when was it that Saddam called up Ol' Osama to tell him to do this dastardly deed? Oh... and why did we send warlords to spirit Osama away... I mean in to "capture" him? Why is it that the US is setting up 16 military installations in Iraq... near the oil fields? Why did Halliburton get a huge no bid contract (boy I'd like to get some RE without having to bid)? Doesn't Iraq have any builders? Aren't there any other companies on the globe that could do the work?

    In this brief moment in time....change is the worst thing that could happen. If kerry does get elected.......Pray. If you thought 9/11 was bad.....I feel it could get a lot uglier.

    Why is Kerry a bad choice? Because he "flip flops"? Welcome to politics! Understand that when a bill gets voted down, then changes are made and it passes, that anyone voting for it the 2nd time around, even though it is improved, is guilty of the tiresome flip flop.
    Is he bad because he got too many medals in the time he served? Welcome to silver spoonism. Heck, GW and Dick had the same silver spoon protecting them. Look at the facts. Do teachers like GW? He made up the no child left behind mess. I know a lot of red necks love him. Contrary to popular belief, it is not unpatriotic to critisize the leadership of our country. It is our love of our country and it's founding ideals that makes us do so.
    I don't hate, pity or ridicule anyone who actually gets out there to vote. I also know, that whomever wins, tomorrow will still come, and there wil be a way to feed my family. But I am blessed with brains, knowlege and ability. I am a democrat because I base what I do upon helping those less fortunate.... Of course I profit while I do it and believe the govt. does some pretty silly things $$ wise. Does that give me Republican leanings wink
    Lord, I hope not.

    Get out and vote.
    Good Luck,

  • ddemott5th October, 2004

    I'm sooo with you on this! smile Thanks for your voice!

    On 2004-10-05 19:21, joshuamalachi wrote:
    ok.....I have just a few problems with your post......

    1. our military is completely voluntary, if your son didn't want to do anything in the military, why did he join? from my understanding, people who join expect some kind of military action while in the military........never mind that the bush's have sent the MILITARY to do MILITARY type work......are you paying them to stand around? I suppose if you were in charge, you'd dismantle the military wouldn't you? I mean, who needs it? sheesh......

    1.5. your son got pulled out of college that the military was paying for? hmmm....wasn't he paying the military by serving?

    2. Irak is spelled Iraq....with a Q........I can tell we're dealing with a person who knows what they're talking about here....

    3. Bush is the commander of the military, the voluntary military that people sign up for.......READ THAT RIGHT.....VOLUNTARY!

    4. he lost 2 kidneys during military service that he signed up for. daddy bush didn't make him. But luckily, you were able to help, and you can live on 1.

    5. It's not that I'm not sympathetic to his situation b/c I am. But the govt (as far as I know) didn't make him not go back to school....and there must be a reason why he didn't. would you care to tell us why he didn't? did he get a girl pregnant and couldn't go back? hmm......

    and the funny thing is....mostly what you're talking about happened during the clinton years.......he was elected in 1992 you know. are you saying clinton is at fault.....for some reason miss that *8* read that correct...*8* years.....that your son worked 2 jobs to support his family.

    to sum this up....your son joined a VOLUNTARY military that paid for his college. he had to work 2 jobs to support his family, and you blame it on the bush's. how can that possibly be BOTH bush's fault.....if either?

    just like most kerry're voting for him b/c he's not bush.......

    everyone seems to forget that bush had to handle the most tragic event in USA history with 9/11, and while his administration is doing what it takes for it to not happen again, you cry for change.

    In this brief moment in time....change is the worst thing that could happen. If kerry does get elected.......Pray. If you thought 9/11 was bad.....I feel it could get a lot uglier.

  • NC_Yank7th October, 2004

    A lie spread a thousand times becomes the they say.

    We in fact, (and facts are what we are suppose to be dealing with), did NOT go to war in Iraq because of WMD's....while that was a bonus if you will, the FACTS are that we went to war to enforce UN (useless nations) resolutions, 1441 among others.

    Anyone that doesn't believe that Iraq had WMD's are sticking their heads in the sand.

    Ask the tens of thousands of Iraq victims, and even Iranians, that they were used on...and how about Kuwait...they can tell you what Sadams intentions were.

    Give the fact that we gave them a years warning that they we were coming in, with or without the UN's approval, which we should never need,...........I think it would be easy to hide or transport these wepons to.......Syria, Lebanon, Iran...etc.

    Which is even scarier if you think about it.

    I served in the military, inteligence field, and I know for fact that the majority of the things we find are never released to the public or politicians for that matter, other then the president and those that "have the need to know"...... then the information is "filtered".

    I am amazed that the media ....I take it back, I am not amazed at the media's bias....but amazed at how stupid people are to not recognized it.

    And how about all that oil we stole from Iraq in order to enrich ourselves..........does not everyone enjoy these low gas prices.

    When one enlist or serve in the military it is done without reservation or conditions.
    When I swore an oath to serve, which I did,..........there were no clauses or conditions about serving under "legitimate interests".

    As other's have said, it is better to fight them over there then here.

    Finally, is Iraq the only terrorist country we should go after..........of course not.
    But then again, we have so many liberal wennies that would come to the aid of Syria, Lebanon, Iran and yes.....Saudi Arabia too.........we can throw North Korea in there as well.

    And if we really want to get ugly, we should put Russian, France, Germany and a few others on notice that our forces and missles can reach there soil as well, next time they want to help a terrorist they did with Saddam and the oil for food program.

    thank goodness I am not president......I would have sent ICBM's over to Pakistan, Afghanistan,Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Saudia Arabia and North Korea instead of soldiers.......with such a spread I would have for sure been able to get the terrorist....the oil would be useless for 50 years....but then again it would make us open up our own oil sites again and quit relying on foreign oil.

    I personally think the blood of one US soldier is worth well over the life's of 100 million people of terrorist infested countries.

    PS. If for some reason you do not feel comfortable with voting for Bush or Kerry.....then feel free to write in my name.


  • rajwarrior7th October, 2004


    You've got my vote!


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