Problem Tenant

ahmedmu profile photo

Last month, I bought a property. There is a tenant, who is a handyman. I give him a discount and he takes care of the property. This person told me, there are a couple of tenants, who are always late in paying rent, always complaining, being nasty to him, calling us at odd hours, etc. I don't want to extend their leases and ideally want them out of there ASAP. How do I accomplish that?


  • GFous9th December, 2003

    Check laws in CT. Here is Fla there is a system. So many days to notice etc. Also ask around your local investment clubs. Normally there is an attny that specializes in evictions - cheap.

  • hibby769th December, 2003

    I'd start in the spring and do it one month at a time so you don't end up with a 100% vacant place.

  • ahmedmu9th December, 2003

    There are 7 in total and 2 seem problematic. I am hoping have to get one of them out. His rent is lower than market and other people would be interested in that 3 BR. Obviously he doesn't appreciate what he has now.

    I have found a website for CT propertyowners association. They have the eviction rules there.

  • edmeyer9th December, 2003

    Only you know the degree of discomfort your tenants are causing you. My first thought is to try not to have an eviction and to try diplomacy first.

    Turnovers can be expensive, furthermore, evictions are not necessarily cheap. If the eviction is opposed it may drag on for a long time. In other states it may be easier than here, but my attorney fees for one was about $2600.

    You didn't say anything about late fees. Hopefully, you are enforcing them. In CA repeated late rents can be grounds for eviction (for a lease, if you are month to month you can likely give notice of tenancy termination). You might point out that you value his tenancy but that behavior is unacceptable (be specific) and see what response you get. It may be worth a try (you are obviously best judge) and if it succeeds, you will avoid the cost of an adverse turnover.

  • InActive_Account10th December, 2003

    Does your state have any rent control laws? If his lease is coming up how about informing him that you plan on raising the rent $500 a month in the next lease, ask him if that will work for him or not?

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