This Isnt The Brady Bunch, Stay On Your Toes....

dataattack profile photo

I know I will catch alot of heat for this but I cant take it much longer

I have learned everything from this web-site. so I want to give back to it.
I dont do "fluff" very well, so hold on to your socks-

Your competition is not your friend.
( yes you can work together, help each other, hell, even go out to lunch together,
BUT he is not your friend.)

The homeowner will lie to you.
He is in distress,and loosing his house.
Do you really expect him to tell you that the a/c sucks, the sink drips, and you flush the toilet 20 times because the septic tank is wasted?

If the house you want to buy has liens, just contact l the lien holders and offer them penny's on the dollar.
( its one of the biggest tools in my toolbox)

AND dont buy any liens untill you get everyone to play ball. If you get a great deal on a 3rd mortgage, you still only own a 3rd mortgage.

Use your heads out there.
Have 2 exit plans.
This is war.
Play nice,but this is war.



  • rickomarsh13th December, 2003

    Hate to be the one to tell ya, but there is no Santa either.

  • TBarber13th December, 2003

    NO SANTA, That sucks I asked for a list of distressed homes this year.

  • MrMike13th December, 2003


  • dlynn13th December, 2003

    I guess in FL things may be a bit different than way out here on the west coast. However I don't expect a home owner to give me correct info on a property, I'm the professional and all I am looking for is a signature. I will have looked at all the problem areas (heating/cooling, plumbing, electrical, roof, foundation) before I get the pen out.
    As to the statement of others investors not being your friend, you are correct!! BUT....I see more people giving good advice here than anyplace else. Out here, in Oregon, I believe we get what we pay for. I read all the advice on this site and then see my attorney to have them write the doc's to fit Oregon laws.
    I do see the "PRO'S" that do sell education programs giving a all kinds of info for FREE and not pushing their programs down our throats to get the complete story. Thats kind of friendly as I see it.
    I think your input is good, because it makes us all think, and that is what this site is all about. I don't see REI as a war, but as a "he who is best prepared wins."
    Thanks for your thoughts and stimulating topic.

  • InActive_Account13th December, 2003

    I don't agree that this is war.

    This is just a business. Whether you have a flower shop, a bakery, sell boats, or do real estate, it is just a business.

    I have run three business in my short life span and with all my competitors we were friendly rivals, but we could count on each other for information, advice and helping each other out in times of emergency.

    In those three careers there were always a few competitors who were "one way" type of people, who ran their businesses with the attitude you described. In every case each and every one of them eventually failed.

    No man is an island. Life is too short to go through it trying to dominate everyone.

    As children we learn from an early age that no one will play with us if we have to win at everything, all the time.

  • davehays13th December, 2003

    agreed, Rehabinator

    Dataattack, I think you need to come off your high horse, assuming you are the ONE that knows how to do this business better than anyone out there.

    Do me a favor and make posts on real estate investing, as opposed to how everyone needs to approach REI the way you do to be successful. We know how you think at this point, enough of the same...


  • davehays13th December, 2003

    Also, did we ask you to be our coach? I have a coach that has 30 years experience and just did a deal last month that made $6mm, so I don't think I need you as a coach.

  • jackman13th December, 2003

    dataattack: you're my new idol dude. i thot wheelerdealer was brash! whew!

    rehab: ditto.

    mrmike, ... perfect (marsha marsha marsha)!!

  • Tedjr13th December, 2003

    I see it as just a game. Roll the dice and land on a jerks property Roll again and land on a nice persons property . People are basically honest is how I have been raised and learned but watch your back too. My wife is really good at reading people and I wish I had listed to her a few times before. When I am winning at the game it is great but losing is not very much fun. I am starting to win again and it feels great. All the way to the top this time making friends and helping others along the way. It's all in how you look at it. We are not in the Matrix we do have a choice how we behave and react. Lets do it with a positive attitude and a kind heart


    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

  • JohnLocke13th December, 2003


    You missed your calling you should be writing copy for the WWE.

    In the corner we have "Dataattack" in the Lion Skin Tights up against "Lambie Pie" in the Fleese Pantaloons, this is a last person standing wins competition.

    This event is brought to you by "Gullible Enterprises", I certainly enjoy your Repertoire.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • dataattack13th December, 2003

    Why do I always have to wear the lion skin tights, John ?

    O.K., I will but next time I get to pick your outfit.

    Bought one to keep on Friday.
    smallest house in a big fat waterfront neighborhood.
    ( had to finally get a mortgage in my own name. ( sorry) )


  • tbelknap13th December, 2003

    Jason, when does your course come out. You sure sound like an expert.

    I couldn't help it. You seem to open yourself up to these posts Jason.

    You must not be getting enough turn downs with sellers so you decide to make up for it here.

    I do have fun reading your posts.

    Tom[ Edited by tbelknap on Date 12/13/2003 ]

  • Dreamin13th December, 2003

    Sending over some knickers ASAP ! LOL

  • Sash13th December, 2003

    But war has no winners.....

    I do agree no one cares more about YOUR money than YOURSELF.

    Mike[ Edited by Sash on Date 12/13/2003 ]

  • Lufos13th December, 2003

    Dear Jason,

    Now not to take offense, after all you made your reputation years ago. I believe it was called the Golden Fleece.

    Now there was a strike. Makes most of our Subject To deals look like kiddy stuff.

    Depending on how you think, straight line or a natural curve. You work out an approach to the Area of Real Estate.

    For me it was natural to apply Clauswitz, Sun Tzu or Musashi, but then I spent an awful lot of time between 16 and 32 standing at attention and trying to stay alive to the intense disgust of those who planned the missions and were in command.

    My greatest competitor in Real Estate was a gentlemen who viewed all lifeforms as being in direct conflict with himself. If anyone possessed anything of value he took it as a personal affront.

    I gave the oration at his funeral, I merely stated that he had an on going and close relationship with his mentor who was in the hereafter. I neglected to mention that his mentor and model was that demon incarnate, the fallen angel Satin.

    It was a very good turnout, of course almost all those present were there merely to confirm the good news of his passing. When his ex wife came forward to take a last view, I whipt out my handkerchief and waived my finger in front of her face. I warned her. No spitting on the recently deceased.

    So you see there are many approaches. My approach is easier, my mistakes I blame on my reading and education. My wins, I take full credit. I roll the dice. But, I load the dice,

    Thats why I am reading all of your postings. I am as always loading the dice.

    Yours, Lucius

  • MrMike13th December, 2003

    On 2003-12-13 17:21, Sash wrote:
    But war has no winners.....

    I do agree no one cares more about YOUR money than YOURSELF.


    <font size=-1>[ Edited by Sash on Date 12/13/2003 ]</font>

    Sure it does, the arms dealers.

  • rajwarrior14th December, 2003


    We have an experienced investor in my area that thinks just like you do. Everyone is the enemy, go for the kill, squeeze every last dime out of the seller possible. In fact, in the 2 years or so he's been in business, he's managed to become so well known for his techniques of screwing other investors, the sellers, his tenants, etc. that almost no one will do business with him anymore.

    He is so well known that sellers avoid him like the plague and only the most desperate seller calls him now. Unfortunately for me, he shares the same first name as I, and on many occassions, I've had to assure the seller that I was not "that other guy."

    I know that it'll go in one ear and out the other, but IF you want to end up like this guy and spend several of your days each month in court and have a severely bad reputation that will damage your creditability in any other avenue you pursue, keep doing what you're doing.


  • davehays14th December, 2003

    agreed, Roger. It's just not a viable long term business strategy. All the killing Jason is doing will get him killed in the end. You get what you put in...universal law

    Hopefully you will start to mix some of this stuff into your business, Jason. There can't be this many people saying practically the same thing for no reason...

    Best of luck to you, Dave

  • Ruman14th December, 2003

    Ever played monopoly? Was your opponent not your friend, only competition, only war? People take things too seriously. Life is a game... real estate is a game... please... tell me, what is the difference between a game and reality?

  • rickomarsh14th December, 2003

    Be carefull who you step on on the way up you may need them on the way down.

  • GFous14th December, 2003


    I also do business in Fort Myers. I went to your site so I would know my enemy - sorry, associate, more.. but couldn't get a clear fix.


  • dataattack14th December, 2003

    alot of good advice, and I assure you that I will always be learning.
    Thanks for all of your imput.

  • davehays14th December, 2003

    You're welcome, best of luck to you

  • Bruce15th December, 2003

    Hey Jason,

    Life's funny ain't it?

    You tried to make, what I consider, some useful comments. Some statements that everyone here should have taken to heart. But instead of "Thanks good point" you get attacked.

    Weird stuff.

    I don't see what the big deal is. Homeowners do lie to you (just like tenants lie). Your competition is competing with you (see the similarity in the words). And don't buy subordinate liens.

    Somehow the comment "Play nice, but this is war.", get really, really, really warped by the end of this thread. And you became a backstabbing, deal-stealing, underhanded slumlord.

    Weird world.

  • dataattack15th December, 2003

    This is how it was explained to me.

    The people attacking me are people are want a bee's. They are actually angry at people who are doing what they want to be doing.

    The people laughing with me ( not nec. agree, but see the truth in it.) are doing deals, still learning, but well on the way.

    The people who dont respond, are doing all the deals, they couldnt be bothered. They read what they need, and move www.on.There is no time.

    Its all good.
    I was asked to post some of my crazy deals for all to learn from.
    I dont squeeze anything.
    I dont make anyone do anything they dont want to do.
    True, I dont sit here and tell you all about all the boring deals.
    I like the action.

    Merry christmas to all.
    Its all good.


  • Ruman15th December, 2003

    The people who dont respond, are doing all the deals, they couldnt be bothered. They read what they need, and move www.on.There is no time.

    If the people whom don't respond are doing all the deals... then what is the person that found the time to write the original post doing?

  • dataattack15th December, 2003

    so are you talking about the first person who posted here at tci when it started?

    or, are still being negitive, and bashing me?

    I'll tell you what, you keep sitting there in your angry world.
    I'm going to post some real world stuff.
    and maybe I can make a light bulb go off in someones head.

    Thats why I post the truth .
    Bash me all you want, there is a bigger picture.


  • mstory29th December, 2003

    As for competitors, it's interesting to note that most marketing studies show businesses in virtually all retail sectors, including fast food, do better when clustered together. For instance, McDonald's do better when located near other restaurants. Wierd but true.

    If I want the ideal shopping experience, I'll go to buy jewelry at the jewelry mart area of LA--I can find hundreds of merchants in one area. Same goes for the mall if I'm clothes shopping.

    Now, think about a homeowner in default. If he has several investors to talk to (the shopping equivalent of going to the mall, say), he'll simply make the best decision among many possibilities. The investor he connects the most with, offers the best deal, or, keeping with the clothing analogy, the investor that "fits" the best.

  • chris122030th December, 2003

    To quote the great Rodney King, a model citizen and scholar, a giver to all of man kind, "Why can't we all just,....get along?"

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