Robert Allen Seminar

SDGMAN profile photo

I just returned from the first day of the three day Creating Wealth seminar. I bailed after today, anyone intersted why?


  • KP17th May, 2003

    Since I am enjoying a modicum of success after a short time in his program and have yet to go to the boot camp I'll bite.


  • SDGMAN17th May, 2003

    After attending the 3 hour intro. to Allen's philosophy I was enticed to give his course a try. However, the idea of spending 3k was not very appealing but thought what the heck I'll give it a try. After signing up for the course and surrendering my amex card I came home and decided to do some research. I located this site and was pleased to find all the information available most of which is similar to Allen's but without the expense. Anyway, I went to the class this morning and the Allen people could not have been more pleasant, the presenters were very professional too.. However, much of what the speakers were talking about, flipping properties and mortgages can be gotten elsewhere for a lot less investment. I bailed at the end of class and will be refunded my money in a few weeks. Bottom line, save your 3k and invest it in a Mobile Home mortgage or something else. Allen's info. and methodology can be found elsewhere for less.

  • KP17th May, 2003

    Fair enough.

    I can't disagree that the info is available elswhere for much less. However the advantage to that type of program (and I hasten to add that I am not particularly advocating for this one program) is the little extras.
    For me the extras have been the psychological support. What I mean really is the brainwashing. I had all of the knowledge that I have received thus far in the program. I even had a good deal of success money-wise. What I found to be so helpful is the attitude. This particular program helped me de-program 30+ years of inculcation to the status quo. I found that associating with people who shared a common belief that being financially free is specifically obtainable and that the money is not the point. The point is the freedom to do as you chose. REI affords a person that because of its' residual income nature. And the Power of positive thinking and optimism and having a greater purpose is envigorating. Associating with people who aren't stuck in a mindset that limits them is such a feeling...

    I know this sounds corny. I used to mock people who said the very things I just said. I was one cynical SOB - but I'm over that now. I know that I can bring about change in the world around me by willing it to be better and expecting people to do well and helping people... (There I go again.) And I am a better person for it and I enjoy my life more. That to me is why one would go to one of these programs to increase the pleasure in life. The money is great but I already considered myself rich monetarily before I stared REI because I had a job that made me more than I ever thought I could (which wasn't very much because I came from such a poor family). Now though I feel as if I can harvest all the richness in life because I'm not counting pennies looking for happiness. Yes it is easier becasue I've got more money I know that and that is why I'm doing REI so I can make more money and have an easier life. Who in their right mind wouldn't? But anyone will end up unhappy if all they are looking for is money.

    One of the great things I've found at this site is a willingness to help others and that is priceless in part because it is elusive. So don't dismiss a program just because it delivers material you can find elsewhere. There may be other benefits.

    Please don't take this as saying that you have some short-coming in leaving the program behind. You may be right that the 3k may be better spent on an investment property. I just wish for you the good fortune that I've had in finding something that adds to your general happiness and I hope that you will not miss an opportunity because of some conventional wisdom you we taught that may not serve you well.

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