Pre-Foreclosure Script YOU Should Use!

DerrickAli profile photo

Hi TCI Members and Guest!

The SCRIPT goes like this when I call I ask the Owners:

"Are you SELLING Your Home?"
...and when the ask me "Why!"
(and/or after they are through cussing me)

I state:

"Your Lender has publicly posted it for sale and I thought I'd call to see if there was anything I could do...


Sometimes they ask me "What can YOU DO ME?"

I reply: "I don't know...I am just an Investor but I also deal with Lenders to HELP Owners Like You to HELP YOURSELVES!

And of course I do this for a PROFIT...

"But you've probably Got This Problem with your Lender WORKED OUT Already...Don't You?"

At this point(the DEFINING MOMENT of TRUTH) they either OPEN UP THE FLOOD GATES of WHY their Lender Won't Deal with them ...


They probably will ask "How SOON can I meet with you to see if YOU CAN HELP ME(talk to my Lender)?"

Try it using the above when doing what my friend Bill GATTEN calls the 52 Phone Call Exercise.

Develop a list of 52 pre-foreclosures and DO NOT STOP UNTIL YOU'VE COMPLETED YOUR 52 CALLS B4 You set up appointments...
If you get a BITE tell the Owner:

"I'm sorry I have 40 or so more calls to make in the next hour or two...
May I call you back at (3 Hours from now) to set up a time to MEET?"

It works like MAGIC for Me even here in little ole Jackson!!!

PreForeclosures are for the most-part FICKLE INVESTMENTS moreso than PROFITABLE.

Don't Waste alot of time on non-producing, non-rewarding Blanket Mailings---I discriminate between the mortgageloan amount;

But I indiscrimintly use the H+E+DoubleHockeySticks(LL) out of the PHONE and My Target prospects are $125K and Above homes hhaving Mortgage Loans Balances of atleast $90K or higher.

This keeps ,my mailing list lean.

When incorporating my FAVORTIE TOOL the Equity Holding Trus---I also Maximize my Profit potential from creating:

-$10K Minimum AVG.(from up front Cash) +

-Equity-Splits around $15 to $25K Minimum (Nice AVG. Pay Out in 2 to 3 Years)+

-Monthly positive cashflow created by Transacting an Equity Holding Trust

-Tax Benefits that I can either Keep or Re-SELL to my Resident Beneficiary(tenant-buyer)



Much Success,



  • 4th February, 2003

    Same here Derrick, could you please email me the pre-foreclosure phone script, door knocking script and the realtor script... any others you would like to share?

  • Gonzo14th September, 2003


    Eres el hombre (You are the Man)

    Super impressed with your post, have to ask you for those scripts, (Preforeclosure phone, Door knocking and Realtor)

    I'm new here and now I have someones posts to look for when I need info.

    Deal on man...

  • tufftron18th November, 2003

    I just read this entire thread and I only have one thing to say: WOW!!! Thanks Derrick...

  • djacquistions18th November, 2003

    great post, great information.

  • 2nd December, 2002

    What timing you have! I was trying to decide on a good script just last night for this very thing. Thank you.

    A few questions if you dont mind:
    1-"Try it using the above when doing what my friend Bill GATTEN calls the 52 Phone Call Exercise. "
    I am not familiar with this excercise, is there something else to it besides just getting on the phone and cranking it up?

    2-"My Target prospects are $125K and Above homes hhaving Mortgage Loans Balances of at least $90K or higher. "
    Why this amount and what type of house is this in your area? Is this the most active selling range where you are?

    In my area I have about 30-40 NOD's per week and about 4-5 of them fit your range there. How many of those do you end up doing a deal with on an average?

    Thanks again for the great info and most of all for the jolt of motivation!

    p.s. Isnt this post better suited for the foreclosure forum instead of lease options?[ Edited by skyboy on Date 12/03/2002 ]

  • DerrickAli3rd December, 2002


    You Wrote:

    1-"Try it using the above when doing what my friend Bill GATTEN calls the 52 Phone Call Exercise. "
    I am not familiar with this excercise, is there something else to it besides just getting on the phone and cranking it up?
    NOPE Just Do It!!!(All 52 and make sure you leave Answering Machine Messages---to generate CALLBACKS)

    2-"My Target prospects are $125K and Above homes hhaving Mortgage Loans Balances of at least $90K or higher. "
    Why this amount and what type of house is this in your area? Is this the most active selling range where you are?

    I Only Mail to these but I call ANYONE FACING LOSS OF THEIR HOME, FSBOs, RE Broker LISTINGS, APT.s FOR RENT, and HOMES for RENT.

    I have a script for EACH that I like to leave on the answering machines that KEEPS MY PHONE A BUZZING!

    In my area I have about 30-40 NOD's per week and about 4-5 of them fit your range there. How many of those do you end up doing a deal with on an average?

    (Mail Your Butt Off to these 4-5 Weekly Monthly, Quarterly until they say:

    "I got your letters B4 and I've been meaning to call you..."

    This is when you know YOU'VE GOT A LIVE ONE!

    Hope this Helps!

    Derrick Ali


  • 3rd December, 2002

    Thats pretty close to what I am doing.....except I dont call nearly as many as you do.. thats going to change now.

    I have 1 letter and 2 postcards I send out. The letter goes out the first week of default and the postcards around Day 10, 25 and 40 (or so). I am working on a 3rd mailer so I dont have to repeat one of them.

    Could I be so bold as to ask for a copy of your phone scripts to get me started? I will change them to my words but a jump start of a proven script would be invaluable.

    This is a great thread....hope others jump in soon. I would love to hear what others do also. (hint hint)

    Thanks again Derrick. You da man!

  • DerrickAli4th December, 2002




    All kidding aside---for the most part I use the above to Break the ICE over the Heads of pre-Foreclosure owners.

    Once they've 'Warmed Up' to:
    The REALITY of a Forced Loss of their property and of
    My potential to help them take the Best advantage of their situation(Turn Lemons into Lemonade so to speak)...

    I interview them to extract the important Details (financial etc.) regarding their home. (My Profit Potential checklist.)

    I CEMENT the relationship and likelihood of them AGREEING to SELL ME THE PROPERTY right then over the phone.

    If they are still somewhat apprehensive I assure them that I will review every option available to them, given their current situation...

    I re-State the fact that what I'm offering them is the flexibility of CHOOSING from among all the Alternatives Available to them.

    And also so they can make an INFORMED DECISION on whether SELLING THE HOME TO ME MAKES SENSE or NOT?

    The trick is to Listen Well and then let them Tell You How they want to do it!

    Hope this helps!

    Derrick Ali


  • robertmichon4th December, 2002

    According to the Register of Deeds in my county, nobody publishes a list of NOD's.

    Should I check with a title company regarding this?


  • robertmichon4th December, 2002

    How many times do you mail, and how frequently, from the time they receive NOD?

    Do you put "address correction requested" or "please forward" on your mailings to improve distribution?

    Muchos gracias!

  • JRicci4th December, 2002


    The register is probably not the right plsce to ask for a NOD service. Try your local REIA.

  • 4th December, 2002


    Call your county recorder and say "Hey, I was just wondering how I could find out what properties in our county recieved a Notice of Default this last week?" They may not call it a NOD wher you live, so if the person on the phone sounds confused say "I'm not sure if its called a NOD, I am probably wrong. What would I do to see a list of homes that are JUST NOW entering the forclosure process"

    That should take care of it. Hope that works!

  • 4th December, 2002

    On 2002-12-04 09:42, DerrickAli wrote:



    As Emiril would say " BAM!"

    That was a great post. Thanks.

    I am also interested in how often other people are mailing and what thier success is.

    I owe ya one Derrick. Thanks again.

  • eliteprops4th December, 2002


    Great Post Very interesting
    I enjoy reading about your land trust strategies. I do have a few questions.

    I want to be sure I understand . So your strategy is call 52 pre-foreclosure owners and get a agreement with them to place me on a land trust as the beneficiary of the property within a 2-3 year period Correct ?

    Keep the existing loan in place and take care of all payments, taxes, insurance and maintenance on the home. But of course I in turn lease option it or lease purchase it to a retail buyer whom can't qualify for a mortgage loan Correct?

    In the lease option the purchase price is increased by 10-20% of my agreed upon price with the pre foreclosure owner correct?

    My agreement with the buyer is a 2-3 year term with a sizable down payment that covers the back payments on the loan as well as cover all the cost associated with the transaction correct?

    Now I would think if they have lots of equity that I would get a agreement to either split the equity position 50/50 or something like 40-60 when the home is purchased at the end of the lease option Correct?

    and what happens if there isnt no equity at the time of the agreement . do I go thru with the agreement or I do and just simply let the owner know there isnt any money coming to him at the end of the lease option actually he wouldnt even know about that that arrangement ids do between me and the buyer oops...

    Let me know if Im getting this correct Derrick . If not I would love to hear more about it. Very interesting post once again. I cant wait to hear more about it.

    Best Regards,

  • 4th December, 2002

    Hi Derrick!
    Thanks for all the info you post on here, I personally find it a great read whenever I find something you have written!

    Could you possibly send me the "scripts" as well? I am sure i am one of many others who have asked, but hey. "You da man" so your scripts MUST be great!

    I'd appreciate what you could send. I am NOT good at making calls. i forget what the heck i called for when the people answer the phone but maybe a good script will help me get over that!
    Thanks, and have a great one!

  • DerrickAli4th December, 2002


    and maybe Yep!

    I ask for them to pay for the Land Trust set up in order to guarantee them 100% equity protection--If I pay to set up the Trust I get 50% automatically

    If they pay 100% of the Arrears They get 100% of the future Equity and just pay me a Locator Fee (10% to 15% over the price the owner agrees to sell to it at.)

    Also, I don't give anything away...with pre-foreclosure Owners the trick is to STAY TOTALLY UNANATTACHED TO THE OUTCOME!!!

    If they won't/don't pay for:

    -the Land Trust set up,
    -grant me a Bene-Intrst.,
    -Pay off any of the Arrears, AD and/or
    -Schedule +Host an Open House

    All to get their home sold and the ASSets OUT of TROUBLE---

    I charge for everything I do that the Can't nor Won't and it ALL ADDS UP to EQUITY INTEREST(Existing + FUTURE)

    If there is any monthly Cash flow created from the lease with the new Tenant-buyer I locate...this too is my Monthly Gravy!

    Sounds Real GREDDY Huh?

    Not when you take a look at what I am offering to them:

    "I ask how much do you need to relocate/move?"

    "How much of this amount Have YOU SAVED from the Money You Missed Paying to the Mortgage Co.?"

    "If I am able to get this Money for you and PAY OFF your Arrears, PRESERVE YOUR CREDIT, HANDLE the TAXES, UPKEEP or REPAIRS (if any) and finally PAY OFF YOUR ENTIRE LOAN.... then


    "I am an investor and I can help you to help yourself but NOT AT MY OWN LOSS!"

    Show em their PAIN and it will be easier to charge them the FULL MONTE!!

    (100% of existing Equity and/or give 'em ZERO Future Appreciation)

    Play it Straight-forward and remember it's their pain and you aren't Buying for the PAIN!!!
    You are the PAIN-REMOVER for their EXCEDRIN HEADACHE!

    RE: NO EQUITY...

    This works EVEN BETTER --Your goal is to find:

    A.) Someone who can afford the PITI +

    B.) Has some UPFRONT CASH to put down to cover the Arrears + Your 10-15% Bump.

    Although the current debt on the home makes it upside down ...The Benefits to
    the Resident Beneficiary(tenant-buyer) is

    -Tax Write-offs for Mortgage Interest deduction (cuz you granted them at least 10% Bene-Intrst in the Land Trust-see IRC sect. 163-b)

    -Occupancy and Use of a NICE Home which they have 2, 3 or 5 Years to refinance and pay off the original mortgage (NO CREDIT CHECK)

    -Future Appreciation (if Any) upon the termination of the trust in 2-3 Years!

    If there isn't Equity through Appreciation;
    the RB isn't obligated to buy--you can either:

    Extend their lease,

    Hand the home back to the original owner,
    Place an AD for a new RB to Pay You ANOTHER 10%-15% Trust Buyin Fee!


    Hope This Helps!



  • 4th December, 2002

    Thanks Derrick, that one kept the brain juices a flowin'.

    p.s. From that last post I know think of you as the official "PAIN-REMOVER"

  • eliteprops5th December, 2002


    Thanks for your response.

    So you ask the owner to pay for the land trust set up so they are guaranteed 100% of the equity. I understand how that would work and that I would get 10-15% of the over the owners purchase price for me when the option is purchase at the end of the 3 year term correct?

    But lets say they dont want to do that and like you said I would get 50% of the equity correct? We would structure it so that at the end of the trust whatever appreciation and profits of the home we split 50/50 correct?

    Now how would I structure it that I would use my investment partners cash to set up the trust considering that I dont use any of my money for deals.

    I normally have my investing partner put up the finances. What would you propose to your partner in a situation like this Derrick?

    considering that I dont have the cash to do deals like this.

    I would figure my 50% equity interest on the deal I would split with my partner 50/50 as well correct ? as well as any monies that are coming in on the option per month correct ?
    or they are other options here that I can use

    hey it just hit me that I can put the deal together without using any partners cash. I get all the fees and downpayment and all duhhh.... from the retail buyer..How did I screw that up!

    question is the retail buyer on the trust as well ?

    This post has been very interesting for me considering that I dont do land trust or option. Anymore help would be appreciated very much Derrick. You definantly know your business..


  • eliteprops13th December, 2002


  • eliteprops13th December, 2002


    Regarding the trust.. you mentioned 10% to the resident buyer in the trust ... is that laid out when I make the lease option with the buyer?

    Best Regards,

  • DerrickAli13th December, 2002



    Except the Lease is a triple-net lease and the Beneficial Interest is the option.

    The RB(Resident Beneficiary) receives

    -Occupany and Use
    -Tax Benefits


    -Credits toward the Purchase(% of Equity build up split w/You) if they choose to buy in 2-3 years down the road.

    I only give them 10% Beneficial Interest (IRS rule IRC 163 sect.B) allows for a beneficiary within a Land Trust to write off Mortgage Interest paid as a deduction from their ordinary income.

    So I can give them a 10% Buy-In of Beneficial Interest in the Land Trust.


  • DerrickAli8th January, 2003

    FREE My newest -Pre-Foreclosure Scripts to use with REALTORS!

    Get out of the Frustration and into the Money!

    Use Realtors to help you Close MORE pre-Foreclosures in 2003!


    See ya there!

    Derrick Ali

  • mel13th January, 2003

    Hi Derrick,
    Soon people will call me baldy--because I'm tearing my hair out working with these #@!&* re agents. Script?? Oh yeah!!

    [ Edited by mel on Date 01/13/2003 ][ Edited by mel on Date 01/13/2003 ]

  • luishernandez21st January, 2003

    Hello Derrick....

    That is a straight to the point approach that I wanted to see! (Going back to your initial post) I would like to know what is your script when you go door knocking, how you present yourself, how you deal with objections and if I could also have a copy of your scripts.... Thanks

  • chaffeen23rd January, 2003

    Hi Derek! I'm new to the group and still gleening some information. Can I get your scripts too and gleen some more! Thx!

  • Tanner23rd January, 2003

    Can you please send me your door-knocking scripts too? I can't beileve how many people our out there to help. I just started reading up on foreclosure 3 months ago. I'm still not ready, but I almost there.


  • patnshell23rd January, 2003

    I am brand spanking new also. Could you possibly share any door knocking scripts that might help with pre-foreclosure buying? Thanks!!

  • patnshell23rd January, 2003

    I am brand spanking new also. Could you possibly share any door knocking scripts that might help with pre-foreclosure buying? Thanks!!

  • agabovich23rd January, 2003

    Hi, Derek. I would appreciate if you could send me those.

    Thanks, Alexander.

    On 2003-01-08 14:03, DerrickAli wrote:
    FREE My newest -Pre-Foreclosure Scripts to use with REALTORS!

    Get out of the Frustration and into the Money!

    Use Realtors to help you Close MORE pre-Foreclosures in 2003!


    See ya there!

    Derrick Ali

    <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif">

  • DerrickAli23rd January, 2003


    I need an email address you don't have a Pvt. Message feature and there is no email address listed for you in our membership.

    So either register here at TCI to get Pvt. Messages or leave your email address here!

    Much Success,

    Derrick Ali

  • agabovich25th January, 2003

    Hi, Derrick.

    Please email at

    Thanks in advance,


  • luishernandez25th January, 2003

    Hello Derrick.... my request for the pre-foreclosure phone script, door knocking script and the realtor script... any others you would like to share? thank you!

  • cjs1112nd February, 2003

    i would love a copy of your phone and door knocking scripts!!!

    also would like to take a peak at what everyone is sending out for postcards, letters, and biz cards.

    much thanks.

  • cjs1112nd February, 2003

    i would love a copy of your phone and door knocking scripts!!!

    also would like to take a peak at what everyone is sending out for postcards, letters, and biz cards.

    much thanks.

  • hms4u3rd February, 2003

    I, too, would like a copy. Please


  • mega4th February, 2003

    Hello Derrick.... please, email me the pre-foreclosure phone script, door knocking script and the realtor script... any others you would like to share? thank you!

  • Shannon5th February, 2003

    Derrick, it is so wonderful that you are taking the time and sharing these scripts with us. Bill Twyford turned me onto TCI and it's amazing how helpful everyone is. I'm sorry I only just found out about TCI:-D

    Could you handle sending the scripts out one more time? I would really appreciate it. Are you planning on having any more chat sessions soon?


  • DerrickAli5th February, 2003


    You are SO VERY WELCOME!!!

    I'll send you more scripts just supply me your Email (Pvt Mail via OK?)

    RE: My Next CHAT---
    I submitted a request for WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 12th at 9 PM.

    But I've yet to hear back from JOEL???

    Also the Agenda is OPEN for those whom didn't get a chance to get ALL of their MANY Q.s Answered!!

    (I Apologize!)

    This upcoming CHAT will be a Information forum followed up with a 2-3 Minute Q & A session for the Topics of:

    MARKETING (finding Motvd. Owners)

    LAND TRUSTS (the Equity Hold Technique)


    Pre-ForeClosure (shorter this time ) and FSBO DEAL-MAKING!!!

    I will place the information (Cut & Paste) into the CHAT ...then allow for as many partcipants to respond as time permits!

    This I feel will allow a More Organized and Complete coverage of my promised topics!

    All FREE for the Asking so ...BE THERE!

    JOEL... Are we still on for FEBRUARY 12th??

    Thanks All,

    Derrick Ali

  • 6th February, 2003

    may i have copies of your available scripts please. thank you kindly.

  • 6th February, 2003

    I'm new to working with foreclosures and lease options. I am very interested and would like to get started as soon as possible, however I, too, have no cash, and a not so great credit report at this time due to economic hard times. I would like to get a fresh clean start and am working hard to repair my credit as quickly as possible.

    I would also like to take a peak at what everyone is sending out for postcards, letters, and biz cards, plus a copy of the scripts. You are awesome. I will try to be online for the chat too. Not sure if I can make it, but will try.

    Thanks so much for your help. I look forward to getting started.

  • bmoorehead21st August, 2003

    Hi Derrick,

    I am brand new to this list and hope this post is reaching you ...

    I'm interested in seeing your pre-foreclosure door-knocking script and realtor script and any others you are willing to share.

    I found this forum because I did a Google search for a door-knocking script.

    By the way, I read some of your other posts, and you seem to be successfully using some of Bill Gatten's teachings. I just became of student of his recently myself.

    By the way, I'm looking forward to reading your book on probate!

    Thanks in advance for any help with the scripts!

    Brendan Moorehead
    **Please See My Profile**

  • sgarlick22nd August, 2003

    Hi Derrick!

    All I can say is WOW! I haven't incorporated your strategies into my REI business but it looks like I need to. I know everyone is asking you to share your scripts but would you mind sending just one more email? I'll take whatever you can spare! I'm always looking for new ways to expand my Financial IQ and you've definitley got me thinking outside of the box!!

  • kbtall22nd August, 2003

    Hi Derek, Really good threads... I don't think you realize how many people you have helped. It would really be great if I could get a copy of your scripts, I would really appreciate it. Just starting and focusing on pre-forclosures. If so you can email me at

    **Please See My Profile**

    Thanks in advance.

  • Ladybug22nd August, 2003


    Just read the whole post from the beginning.

    I think this would also work for Subject to, wouldn't it?


  • DerrickAli22nd August, 2003


    So Very Nice to Me YOU

    YES these scripts and the Equity Holding Land Trust (tm) methods work with Subj-2s!!!

    The Land Trust feature sort of adds an added layer of protection to your Subj2 deals.

    All whove responded:

    My Friend and Mentor Mr. BILL GATTEN, who developed both the PACTrust(tm) and EHTrust (tm) system and I've developed a Mktg strategy that helps new RE Investors like you to Quickly Get the PHONES RINGING and DEALS CLOSED!

    ***See my Profile for more***

    I hope that this post (among others) has truly helped EVERYONE!


    Derrick Ali

  • skidoddle22nd August, 2003

    Don't mean to rain on your parade but if you do to many of these to subprime buyers ie ones with not much downpayment since they cannot buy a house retail well then you end up with alot of sweat equity with subprime owners and deals.

    Better yet mix it up and create A PORTFOLIO of propertys based on different types of equity ownership or participation.

    Me I would flip at least 30 of my deals keep the best rental outright and only lease option the marginal ones I do not really want.


  • DerrickAli22nd August, 2003


    Longtime no hear. Nice to see your post.

    Anway NO RAIN Here Mi Compadre...

    Even though a majority of the EHTrust(tm) deals are PFLs re-MKT'd to the Credit and/or Finanicially challenged...

    We don't invest a Pennny Nor a Pound of Sweat unless CA$H is COMING to the TABLE by the Rb (new tenant-buyer.)

    RB also for their Buy-in interest into the EHT agrees to have the TRUSTEE (not Me) EVICT them within 5 Days of DEFAULT!

    I simpply Re-Mkt the same home again and resale the default portion of Beneficial Interest to another Credit or Ca$h Challenged RB (tenant-Buyer) having 3-4 Months Upfront Ca$h in order to gain:

    - Rights of Use & Occupancy,
    - Tax Benefits,
    - Equity Build Up and/or
    - Appreciation(if any)

    Using the EHTrust ANYONE Can BECOME A RAINMAKER!!!

    Thanks for the advice ---I feel it really comes down to individual investor needs, wants and/or situation.

    For instance my own investing criteria has specifically focused on Luxury Homes and Executive Estates.

    Even the PFLs homes having $400K+ FMV have Credit and/or Financial Challenges which REWARD ME with a MUCH HIGHER RETURN for the Minor (5 Day) Eviction AGGRAVATION!

    Oh Yeah-BTW if the RB (tenant Buyer wants to Play the BK route or Lawsuit(foreclosure) and SCREAM EQUITY on us...We merely introduce the Trust Agreement they sign onto and the WELL-Structured EHT Docs that CAREFULLY prepare our deals to AVOID this...
    The results are NOT CHARGABLE nor ENFORCEABLE in COURT!

    WHY NOT...The RB is a BENEFICIARY of the Trust and HIM/HERSELF (along with the other Benes) has DIRECTED the to EVICT Themselves for FAILURE to Keep the Trust Agreement. (not a mortgage nor contract for deed issue.)

    Keeps things SUNNY for us REI TRUST Doers While others are ALL WET!

    Yeah Baby!

    Best of the Best to you all!

    Derrick Ali

  • DerrickAli22nd August, 2003


    Longtime no hear. Nice to see your post.

    Anway NO RAIN Here Mi Compadre...

    Even though a majority of the EHTrust(tm) deals are PFLs re-MKT'd to the Credit and/or Finanicially challenged...

    We don't invest a Pennny Nor a Pound of Sweat unless CA$H is COMING to the TABLE by the Rb (new tenant-buyer.)

    RB also for their Buy-in interest into the EHT agrees to have the TRUSTEE (not Me) EVICT them within 5 Days of DEFAULT!

    I simpply Re-Mkt the same home again and resale the default portion of Beneficial Interest to another Credit or Ca$h Challenged RB (tenant-Buyer) having 3-4 Months Upfront Ca$h in order to gain:

    - Rights of Use & Occupancy,
    - Tax Benefits,
    - Equity Build Up and/or
    - Appreciation(if any)

    Using the EHTrust ANYONE Can BECOME A RAINMAKER!!!

    Thanks for the advice ---I feel it really comes down to individual investor needs, wants and/or situation.

    For instance my own investing criteria has specifically focused on Luxury Homes and Executive Estates.

    Even the PFLs homes having $400K+ FMV have Credit and/or Financial Challenges which REWARD ME with a MUCH HIGHER RETURN for the Minor (5 Day) Eviction AGGRAVATION!

    Oh Yeah-BTW if the RB (tenant Buyer wants to Play the BK route or Lawsuit(foreclosure) and SCREAM EQUITY on us...We merely introduce the Trust Agreement they sign onto and the WELL-Structured EHT Docs that CAREFULLY prepare our deals to AVOID this...
    The results are NOT CHARGABLE nor ENFORCEABLE in COURT!

    WHY NOT...The RB is a BENEFICIARY of the Trust and HIM/HERSELF (along with the other Benes) has DIRECTED the to EVICT Themselves for FAILURE to Keep the Trust Agreement. (not a mortgage nor contract for deed issue.)

    Keeps things SUNNY for us REI TRUST Doers While others are ALL WET!

    Yeah Baby!

    Best of the Best to you all!

    Derrick Ali

  • kevbostic29th August, 2003


    In case you're still giving out scripts, please email to me at:

    a l l c a s h 4 h o m e s @ e a r t h l i n k . n e t

    Thanks in advance!

    Take care,


  • qwikm29th August, 2003


    Can you please email me a copy of your scripts.

    You can see the email in my profile.


  • advancedhomebuyers31st August, 2003

    Derrick can you send me the scripts too?

    **Please See My Profile**

    Thank you.

  • fortlaudy1st September, 2003


    I'm new to foreclosures. Can you please send me any scripts that you may have to help me out to



  • rayh781st September, 2003

    Hello Derrick.... could I request for the pre-foreclosure phone script, door knocking script and the realtor script...
    **Please See My Profile**

  • re2riches2nd September, 2003

    Hi Derrick,

    Please email me the script your so generously sharing with the others. Send to a g a r p 8 9 @ y a h o o . c o m


  • Wheelin2nd September, 2003


    I would also like to request a copy of the scripts you offered.
    Thanks Much

    **Please See My Profile**

  • INI3rd September, 2003

    Hey Derrick,

    Since You are giving out scripts so generously, may I please recieve any scripts you have.


    (please see my profile for e-mail)

  • ADAMSON3rd September, 2003

    Would love to have your scripts you are sharing with others. Please send to
    **Please See My Profile**

  • ei3335th September, 2003

    hi derrick,
    if you would be so kind to send the scripts you are sharing to me as well.

    **Please See My Profile**

    thanks in advance

  • kharding5th September, 2003

    Hey Derrick,

    Let me join the bandwagon and ask for the scripts also. Send to **Please See My Profile**

    Thanks[ Edited by kharding on Date 09/06/2003 ]

  • florence9th September, 2003

    Hi Derrick,

    Thank you for being so generous with sharing your scripts with everyone. Could you tolerate one more request from me? I too get tongue-tied when trying to cold call and door-knock and would really appreciate a little help. Thanks again. **Please See My Profile**

  • Rmehrabian9th September, 2003

    The thing that is confusing me right now is when working out a deal to set up a land trust and taking over payments of a preforeclosure, how are you supposed to cover the payments?

    I am new to REI, this site and especially this topic so forgive my naivity.

  • InActive_Account9th September, 2003

    Would love to have your scripts you are sharing with others. Please send to
    **Please See My Profile**

  • DerrickAli9th September, 2003


    NICE to Meet You!!!

    Quote:"The thing that is confusing me right now is when working out a deal to set up a land trust and taking over payments of a preforeclosure, how are you supposed to cover the payments?"

    "I am new to REI, this site and especially this topic so forgive my naivity.

    It's Simple:
    You MKT/ADV to locate an RB (Tenant-Buyer) that has enuff Ca$h to cover back pymts and some pocket change for YOU!

    Read some of my Articles on TCI by SEARCHING:

    Derrick Ali

    Equity Holding Land Trust (tm)

    PACTrust (tm)

    Avoiding DOS

    I hope this helps!

    Derrick Ali

  • patricc6810th September, 2003

    hi mr. alli (derrick) thaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnks soooooooomuch for the have helped us out beyond the call of duty..i just talked today on the phone with a tom at northamerican loan servicing and he speaks highly of mr gatten and your land trust issues, which is what brought me here this time, and BAM, here is exactly what i needed to know..thanks again derrick..oh ya, im sure no one has asked yet--but could i also get a phone script..thanks again

  • appelgw10th September, 2003


    Once again you have created one of the longest posts in TCI history!

    Could you please do the community a great service? Could you convice the HOST to put your scripts in the Freebies section? It not only would make it oh so convenient and quick for us, but less work for you. (Don't worry, I'll still post and commend you on your great advice on other topics


  • kira_anne110th September, 2003

    Forgive me I am a newbie, If I was to assign the contract as a bird dog does do I tell the owners that I am a bird dog? I feel that I might loose thier trust in the situation.
    Also I am looking for a house with a rental unit with it so I can live in it and rent out the unit. Would it be ok to use a wrap around mortgage in this situation or is it too risky?

  • dabeast12311th September, 2003

    Hello Derrick.... please, email me the pre-foreclosure phone script, door knocking script and the realtor script... any others you would like to share? **Please See My Profile** thank you!

  • dabeast12311th September, 2003

    Hello Derrick.... please, email me the pre-foreclosure phone script, door knocking script and the realtor script... any others you would like to share? **Please See My Profile** thank you!

  • narasland12th September, 2003

    Hello All, hate to bring this up but this was a great post, except for the constant request for scripts. This is never going to end. Derrick, if you're reading this, please save us all from the agony and just post the scripts directly into the forum, that would be more than helpful and for a busy investor like you it would save hours of time. Thanks. [ Edited by narasland on Date 09/12/2003 ]

  • bmoorehead12th September, 2003

    Thanks for your zesty reply! I need to check in here more often.
    Brendan (bmoorehead)

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