Having Trouble With LIS PENDENS. HELP!!!

lukabrasi profile photo

Posted: 20:36 on 06-16-2004
Hi, i live in Connecticut which is a judicial foreclosure state, and they do it by strict foreclosure. me and my partner have been doing an extremly large amount of research. by takeing trips to the town hall(county recorders office) and the courthouse(clerks office) at the clerks office they will not let us search for notice of defualt documents unless we have a name, because they say the databass is to big to go through all files. but they said they would provide us with a calander that has all the cases for the following monday, i dont think this will give us enough time.
At the town hall we are able to look through and print out the list of LIS PENDENS. which lists the address of the people their name and a bunch of other names like mortgage companys and i think other people/companys that have a interest in the prop. is this what i should be looking at or should i try to find another way to find notice of defaults? how can i tell how much time i have before the foreclosure sale by looking at lis pens.? also ive heard about docs. that contain how much is owed on the mortg. and how much they owe in back payments wher do i find this info? Help. thank you.


  • jeff1200218th June, 2004

    If your state uses title companies to handle real estate transactions, then you could contact them. most publish a list twice a month. You could talk to an escrow officer, explain to them that you are an investor, and ask them to e-mail you the list.

  • lukabrasi18th June, 2004

    thanks for replys,

    jeff wrote;
    "If your state uses title companies to handle real estate transactions, then you could contact them. most publish a list twice a month"
    Jeff, would these be a list of people that are in preforclosure or have already been forclosed on, and now the bank owns them.
    also i dont know exactly what the time restraints are in my state, is their any way that i can find this info out? i also heard that there are usually two lis pendens that are filed an initial one, and then another stating that they are going to court or something of that matter, how can i find out if its the first LP filed or the second one. thanx again guys.

  • lukabrasi18th June, 2004

    Also, when i went to the courthouse to look for NODs, they said they have them on computer but their is so much data that they have them all mixed up, and their isnt a sorted out list. they said that i need a case number and then they could look through the database. how can i go about finding this case #. thanks again.

  • lukabrasi18th June, 2004

    cjmazur, thanks for the reminder. i have no problem when it comes to researching the LSPs but when it comes to getting the neccesary info about the loan i cant even research the NODs to get this. i tryed using the computers at the court house, to no prevail i couldnt find anything that made sense. maybe if i take the peoples names off the lis pends. and type them into the computer at the courthouse i will be able to bring up the NOD and get the info i need. always thinking.

  • jeff1200218th June, 2004

    The title co's frequently compile a list of the liz pendens that have been filed at the courthouse. the Notice Of Default list I get on or around the 28th of the month covers NOD's filed from the 1st to the 15th of the same month. The sale date is 60 to 75 days in the future. In AZ 90 days from notice to sale is pretty much standard.
    mine arrives both in pdf and an excell spreadsheet. It has almost everything I need.
    [ Edited by jeff12002 on Date 06/18/2004 ]

  • lukabrasi18th June, 2004

    thanks Jeff, lookes like youve got it made when it comes to finding leads this way. i tried finding title ins. companys through the yellow pages and i couldnt find one. do regular insurance companys deal in this and will i be able to get these lists from them? do you deal with an insurance co. that deals strictly in title ins, or everything. thanx again.

  • jeff1200218th June, 2004

    The transactions where you are from are quite possibly handled by real estate arttorneys, and not title companies. You could try there. Another soursce you could try is to look for a legal newspapre in your area, They will frequently publish the notices in a timely fashion also.
    Keep looking, when you find your source, it will be very useful to you.
    Good luck,

  • lukabrasi19th June, 2004

    yeah, i believe that the attorneys in my area are the ones who do this, because when i went to set up my LLC, i mentioned closing costs for a sub2 deal and he mentioned something about title searches, and probaly title ins. too. i will definetly search for a paper that prints all the legal notices, do you know were my best chances of finding a paper like this are. thanx

  • learntherules20th June, 2004

    when you go to the courthouse ask them what daily newspapers/law journals they have for you to look @. In NY, I go to the courthouse & sift through the NY Law Journal. There are also smaller weekly pubs that list notices as well as the daily newspapers. If you're talking to an attorney, s/he should know which pubs they are listed in.

  • maggyldy20th June, 2004

    Our sheriff's office puts a list of upcoming sales on their website with the date of the sale, address, judgement, ect. Try looking there. Does anyone know if the 'judgement' would include lenders penalties and fees and past due taxes?

  • maggyldy22nd June, 2004

    I just went to the recorder's and county clerk's office today. They make it real easy here in Kane Co. IL I went on the sheriff's website and got a list. It even has the chancery #, which you need to look up the case at the recorder and clerk's office. Everything was in the file that I needed. Don't forget to also go to the tax office to check out that situation. However, you will find the balance due for the taxes is included in the judgement as part of the foreclosure.

  • cd196823rd June, 2004

    Does anyone has any info on this topic concerning the Richmond, VA and surrounding counties?

  • InActive_Account23rd June, 2004

    In CT you need to get the paper called the Commercial Record. It covers all the real estate transactions in the state.

    It will tell you by county the sales. The credit section is where you find the Lis Pendens.

    Their website www.warrengroup.com is where you can find specific info regarding any mortgages a specific property would have.

    CT is a strict foreclosure state. Sometimes you can get a property cheap if there is a lot of equity. However, most foreclosures take so long to happen that it can easily be >$25,000 to reinstate a loan and do a "subject to". I am not in the business of giving out this much money to get into a deal unless I am 98% sure of being able to get it right away. Most subject to's I do for the owner to improve their credit and must be an income producing cash COW!! i.e., >$1100.00 cash flow monthly.

    Hope this helps.

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