Absentee Owners

Aries profile photo

how can I find absentee owners to some vacant properties located here in Detroit, MI. There are about 12 vacant properties I'm dealing with and most of them I'm having trouble locating the property owners.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...
I can be emailed at:

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  • 2000rock19th August, 2003


    Find the owners name...

    ...at your LocalAppraisersOffice..

    ...and a PI....can SkipTraceThem...

    ...FOR A PRICE

    ....as always,

    GoodInvesting, Rocky

  • ram19th August, 2003

    If vacant means vacant house, ok, and if vacant means vacant lot, go to another deal where value and marketabililty are evident...title companies and online county appraisal districts across the US today are very helpful...I write letters frequently, keep it short and sweet...it is a game of numbers. Good luck.

  • victorb19th August, 2003

    You can go to the county office and pull up the tax records. It will have a name, and mailing address for the taxes. There are certain companies that will do it but starting out that is the cheapest.

  • susangrms20th August, 2003

    Im not sure about Wayne county, but in Macomb county you can go to the county treasury office and use the computers there, type in the address and it will tell you the name of the owner, and there tax account info.
    Hope this helps!

  • MrsMeltzer20th August, 2003

    You can send them a letter and hope that it comes back with a forwarding address.


    Talk to their neighbors! Maybe they have some info.

    Hope This Helps,
    Mrs. Meltzer

  • PassingThru20th August, 2003

    I have had success contacting the local housing authority and finding out who the housing inspector is that issues the violations for the properties. They don't want the properties vacant either. They have supplied me with the name, new address and phone numbers of the owners.

  • Vern20th August, 2003

    Hello Aries,

    Always obtain free information first. You can get this for free. You may first call the Property Value Administration, they can give the tax value and the name and address of the person on record.

    It is also a good idea if you make a visit to the county clerks office so that you may become familiar with local housing records. If you have not done this then I think you will find this to be a great learning situation. You could easily look the name of the person or persons that have their name on the deed to the property in question.

    You could also visit the Master Commissioner's office to obtain valueable tax lien information. Should you want to pursue tax liens in your area. Good luck and happy investing.

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