Commercial Development Question.

Alek profile photo

Hi guys, I am looking at 2 acres of property in a town near my current residence.

I was wondering. The land is currently zoned as Residential, I would apply for a commercial zoning permit. How hard would this be?

Also, if I do get this permit, can someone tell me how much is it per square foot to develop commercial property and how many units can fit confortable with a parking lot on 2 acres of land.

This property is prime location for a nice commercial business complex.



  • mur4th January, 2004

    that question is too broad since it dependes on the products used to "build" a property and so I would call the county building commissioner or a well known commercial builder to discuss an overview of a reasonably brief summary of the details.
    Laws vary from one region to another, even city to city. Call the local township or city or county for starters and bounce some of your ideas in general with the governmental officials if the subject area.

  • Alek5th January, 2004

    Thanks for the info.

    I just hate speaking with these people because they try to brush me off cause I am young and not coming in with too much knowledge, so they don't take me seriously.

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