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I am sort of a newbie! I am 24 and want to retire in 15 years can I do this and how?


  • SmileyFace13th November, 2003

    This is a very wide open question. Do you want to be a little more specific?

  • sacramentophil13th November, 2003

    Here's how:
    buy a whole bunch of houses and rent each one for more than what they cost you.

  • bryantsmith13th November, 2003

    I want to work at this for 15 years will I be able to retire?

    I also understand that you buy houses and rent them for more but if you can only rent them for $200 more per house how many houses does it take to retire on? I know that one day they will be payed off but for the time being?

  • sacramentophil13th November, 2003

    It sounds to me like you would really benefit from reading Dold de Roos' "Real Estate Riches". You'll find that the last thing you want to do is pay them off. That would be wasting money you could use to buy more.

  • sacramentophil13th November, 2003

    whoops. that Dolf, not Dold.

  • nebulousd13th November, 2003

    Take care of today's cash flow needs then worry about building wealth.

    Sub To
    Flipping, Short Sales, Preforclosures,
    Short Duration holds, these will take care of today's needs

    Then look into becoming a landlord, rental properties, apartment buildings, commercial property, defaulted paper, private lending, etc.

    You need a plan. Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail. Look at your options, understand the different methods, the different ways to do deals, the different avenues you can travel down...find out what you want to do and than do it.

    Set some goals, and then begin to turn your dreams into goals and finally into reality. 15 Years is a loooooong way away, and you could become a millionaire 20 times fold in 15 years.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad, One Minute Millionaire, The Millionaire Mind, and the many many many other books out there about how to become a millionaire mentally, read those first.

    Be, Do, Have
    Be a retired person mentally
    Do what it takes to be retired
    Have your retirement party in 15 years.

  • bryantsmith13th November, 2003

    I mean pay them off at the end of my investing days

  • DaveT13th November, 2003

    Can it be done, maybe. Can you do it, I don't know. Too many unknowns and variables right now to even attempt a different answer.

    Once you tell me your lifestyle requirements in 15 years, your proposed investment strategy, your tolerance for risk, your current financial position and financial resources, and your plan to handle major life events in the future, then I might give you a different answer.[ Edited by DaveT on Date 11/13/2003 ]

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