Pumping Septic Required By Law To Sell In CA?

InActive_Account profile photo

My boss is selling his house and has told me that to sell his house, he is required by law to pump his septic system. I know that this is an option to choose on the CA RE contract, but does anyone know anything about this being a law in CA? Where I live, almost everyone is on septic tank systems.




  • InActive_Account29th June, 2004


    At this point in time, the property isn't even listed or on the market in any form. But the Realtor my boss is talking to claimed that it was required by law. I'll have to check and see if it might be related to county ordinances. It's Nevada County and they can be weird about things like that.

    I'll also have to ask Cherly Lopez who hangs out here, as she is a Realtor in that area.



  • myfrogger29th June, 2004

    In my individual county in Iowa, we are required to pump it and get it inspected at the time of each property sale.

    It may be a specific county thing. I would definatly check into it as a septic system is a few grand to replace (worst case senario).


  • InActive_Account29th June, 2004

    Never dealt with it, but I've heard the same thing, that it is required in certain counties.

    My personal opinion is that by pumping it out you may cause problems, though.

    If you think about it, a septic system works by bacteria growing inside the tank, and breaks down the waste. By pumping out the tank, you take all the bacteria's food away. If the septic system is working good, why deprive it of what it needs?

    Now, I've never been involved with a septic system before, so I'm no expert. But I've heard this before, and I think it makes sense.

  • InActive_Account29th June, 2004


    That's my thought too. When I've pumped septic tanks before, I always flushed can of bacteria into the system afterwards to repopulate the bacteria. Septic systems take time to get started and with the removal of all of the good bacteria and food, well...



  • cheryllopez29th June, 2004

    ROBERTT --

    Thank you for your email and I will post my response here on the board.

    I am not aware of any LAW requirement for NEVADA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA.

    You and your boss should check with Environmental Health a Department in Nevada County. They can let you know if there is any LAW requirement.

    LENDERS usually want the septic systems pumped out as a REQUIREMENT OF FUNDING. If the Buyers needs a loan ... then most sellers just do it as a cost of selling ... which is about $500

    Now if it is a all cash deal and the seller does not want to pay the cost then the Buyer could pay.

    BUT all that strong negatiotations for what reason? Is the seller aware of a problem. If so ... the seller IS REQUIRED to complete a TDS (transfer disclose statement) and MUST report and items in non-working conditions.

    Just have the septic pumped out BEFORE marketing the property is the best procedure, then the pumping report to be provided to the buyer.

    (I remember that an agent was marketing a property with a really sicky and overflowing septic system. The agent and seller were advertising that it required a new septic system at a cost of $4,000. The buyer had a septic system company check it out and the only problem was that it was clogged. They scared off many buyers because of the septic system.)

    Cheryl Lopez[ Edited by cheryllopez on Date 06/29/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account29th June, 2004


    Thanks for the quick answer. I'll let him know. Glad to see you back.


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