Easement Question

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I want to buy a property that has a shared driveway with an easement. This driveway/parking area is between this house and the next house, and I am not sure where the propert line is. I don't know where I would be able to park or not to park, and how many cars could fit, since I don't know where the property line is. The deed is not clear where the property line is. My lawyer told me to get a surveyor, but the contract the owner would agree to sign would not allow for the 5-6 weeks it would take to get a survey in my area. What should I do???


  • NancyChadwick25th May, 2004

    The deeds of both the property you're interested in and the property next to it should contain some reference to the easement, if not specifics about the location, and who granted the easement to whom when. I suggest you have a local title company search both properties, including providing you with documents that may be referred to in the deeds. Tell the title company what the situation is. The easement could be on one property or the other, and it is possible that it straddles the common property line.

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