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  • Area 16777215 sq ft
  • Floors


Parcels vary in size from 1/4 acre to just over an acre. All parcels are fully serviced and are primarily zoned with a commercial designation. This section of Niagara Falls, US, is the focus of planning and funding through the NYS Dept. of Economic Development. There are several improvements to this area that the state is expecting to see implemented in ‘09. Some of the funding that NYS has budgeted is earmarked for exterior/façade improvements to the privately owned properties in this area. In addition, plans are being discussed for a second major hotel project within the Seneca Nation-owned property on the north side of Rainbow Blvd.

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Exterior Property Information

  • Sale Status: Expired
  • Price: $1,500,000.00

Exterior Features


Copia Properties

Interior Features
